The Movie: Death of a Prince / The Concert / To End the Assassin's Guild

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Hello, my name is Alpharius. More than likely, my subordinates, DinoDinoDude or LostCreator, will receive this, but this message isn't intended to be received by them. This message is meant to reach the ears and eyes of Marrito or DOORSARECOOL. In them doing so, I know this will be given to the public. There is nothing more than for me to tell you that this "job", this title, was meant for me. I attempted to reform, but please believe me when I say that there were unseen forces pushing me in every which way. So much so as to threaten my well being, and if not for the Mod that could bring anyone involved back to life- missing, I would have gladly, by now, taken care of this issue. Alas, I'll never want to see anyone banned permanently from this existence. Attached to this message will be a new Starconian Constitution, what I believe to be my life's work. It's a way to justify this nation, and if ratified, will create an equal force between several different branches of the MetaScape. Amongst these times of the final season, we all should stand in solidarity and not be divided as the fates of this Meta would prove the single direction it wished to take. We need to help the oppressed stand with our overwhelming power, not cripple them further. We need to collaborate with the numerous shitposters and original artists of the Sub to delegate responsibility, not create propaganda. Whilst I remain hidden, please remember that this world is how we make it, we shouldn't be guided by ships, rather guide the ships ourselves. We are the people, we are the freedom, we are the obligation in our many hands. I will not be naming the next heir, because I want you to know if it's a name that's conjured, recall these words: it's a ruse. Whoever takes the throne after my doing will be nothing more than a puppet. Publish my words in the tabloid as soon as you receive this. Yours truly, Alpharius.

Meta Wars / Season 2a /Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon