All fun and games until...

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One month later

"Ruby stop"
I'm laughing so hard I may pee. He chases me around the pool and I can feel the hot ground sizzle my feet.

I call out falling to the ground as I feel a sharp pain shoot through my foot. Ruby's face goes straight as he rushes towards me.

"What happened?"
He panics.

"I don't know."
I say, looking down at my foot. A long sharp metal object stands straight through it.

"Fuck Cher, hang on I'll pull it out."
He scoots closer to me.

I panic scooting away.

"C'mon Cher, just let me pull it out."
He begs.

I give in, anything but this pain.

"one, two,"
all I see is blood splatter everywhere and the panicked look on Ruby's face.

"Oh fuck."
His eyes widen, I notice everyone crowding around us. Ruby sweeps me off the ground rushing away.

"Fuck Rubes, it hurts. What's going on, ow fuck."
The pain is shooting through my leg and making me light headed.

"I know baby, I'm so sorry."
Him apologizing makes my eyes widen and panic set in.

"Im gonna throw up."
I close my eyes trying to hold it in, Ruby just ignored my statement and continues to walk to the car. He sets me inside buckling me up and then getting in driving away. I look down to see blood already all over the floor.

"Ruby, what the fuck? It was only a little piece."
I whine.

"A little piece that was hooked inside your foot."
I let out an aggravated noise and Ruby just continues to focus on the road. He pulls into an urgent care and I feel even more light headed then I did before.

"What happened?"
A doctor asks.

"Something got caught in her foot."
The words rush out of his mouth. The lady nods and grabs a wheelchair calling another doctor.

"You'll be fine sweetie."
They lay me on the bed and the male doctor takes over. He sprays my foot with something making it sting. I wince at the pain as Ruby just stands and stares with no emotion. The other doctor is grabbing stuff from the cabinets.

"I'm cleaning it so I can numb the area, you're going to need stitches."
Great stitches? Lovely.

After I'm all stitched up they wrap my foot in gauze and send me home with crutches. He said it sounds like I kicked the piece of metal which made it bend in my foot hence the reason it hurt so much and also hence the reason my foot ripped open.

"I'm sorry baby."
Ruby pouts, his apology catches me off guard.

"What why?"
I question.

"Because I pulled it out."
Oh my gosh, he's really blaming himself.

"Rubes, it's not your fault. You saw what I saw. It looked like a little pin, it was not but it looked like it."
I laugh.

"Although I will be salty at you for these crutches."
I smile, he laughs a little squeezing my thigh.

"Eww, Wassup crippled?"
Scrim laughs as I struggle to walk through the door.

"Fuck you."
I laugh.

"How the hell you get a bent piece of metal in your foot?"
His grin is so big it makes his eyes basically shut and that makes me laugh.

"I don't even know but, I'm going to nap."
I sarcastically roll my eyes. Ruby gives me a weird look and I just squint my eyebrows turning to walk. My crutch gets caught on the table and I trip. Scrim shoots forward grabbing me before I fall.

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