60. Cuckoo's nest

Start from the beginning

"That's a good idea. Relax. You're always in the gallery all day and brooding. Better you are enjoying the lush green."

When he said green, his voice is getting lower and I long for Harry. He didn't want to allude to him. That was unintentional. Depressed, he is looking at me.


"Hey, Gavin... it's okay. I'm still alive. We are artists. I can't stop painting with green paint now, wearing green clothes or eating green beans just because I associate the colour with Harry," I try to take his guilty conscience away from him.

Rossdale is well aware that he has hit a sore spot that I'm trying to cover up. He is silent.

You know, I always associate colors with people. Harry, as I said, is green to me, while I see myself black. Taylor is bordeaux - I hate this colour by the way and Gigi is yellow. Stupid, isn't it? I don't know what the colors really mean. I rely on my instinct.

While I'm thinking and still sitting in the office instead of being in the park, my colleague is watching me across his screen. Surprisingly, he left me alone all day long, asking no questions and making no fun of me. For lunch he brought me a sandwich that I had something to eat.

"Zayn?" he asks and looks up from the screen.

"Mmh, what is it?"

"Say, do you wanna go out for a drink with the boys and me tonight?"

Honestly, I'm not in the mood for anything right now. My head hurts, I'm in a bad mood and don't want to spoil the night for Gavin's nice friends. The guys are really cool and accepted me into their group without any problems. Tonight I would be rather bad company for them.

"Oh... don't be angry with me. Tonight I'm just going to bed," I answer him quite honestly, looking out the window longingly and still dreaming of the park. And what do I do instead? I'm still sitting in the office.

"Harry hasn't called, has he?" he's cautiously feeling his way towards the forbidden topic.

"Bingo," I hum. "Can we please talk about something else?", I say annoyed and shove a biscuit in my mouth.

"Listen, Zayn. Let's go out tonight. We could get completely drunk. A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved. What do you think of it, Malik?"

"You don't give up, do you Gavin?", I laugh bitterly, munching on another biscuit.

The gallery owner stands up and is sitting on the edge of my table. "Zayn, this might sound stupid, I know. But sometimes life takes strange twists and turns. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. Harry is not the only handsome man on earth. You will see. Let's go out and who knows, maybe the love of your life will be running into you."

"Gavin, spare me! But I don't want anyone else right now. If it's not Hazza, then I'd rather stay alone. I don't want all this shit and I'm not looking for a new love," I hiss. "Besides, you shouldn't look for love, it'll find you."

Rossdale won't let my bad temper get to him.

"You're a real poet," he says with awe. "Love will find you...", he mimics me.

" I have different talents, if you haven't noticed that yet. "

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now