Chapter Five

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Masky is still in Ben's room coming up with plans on what to do. Ben walks over and picks her up taking her downstairs with Dark following.

"I can walk, you know?"

"Shush tiger." He grins as she glares at him. The others are in the living room hanging around when Ben came down carrying Sam. "We have a pet now." He laughs and she keeps glaring at him. They all look over and see that Sam changed.

"Cool." Jeff says before walking over taking her from Ben.

"What the fuck am I to you guys a pet?" She hisses and starts to claw at them.

"Aww the little kitty is feisty." Jeff laughs before walking back over to the couch sitting down still holding her.

"I am not a kitty. I'm a tiger." She hisses again.

"Be a good little kitty." Jeff says before petting her at first she's just like dafuq but after a minute he hits a spot that feels good. She stars to purr like a cat. The guys are just watching in amusement.

"I wonder?" LJ came up with an idea. He gets a ball of yawn and gets Sam's attention. "Go get it." He throws the yawn and at first she didn't do anything but a few seconds pass before she went after the yawn. Sam lies on her back playing with the yawn before she loses interest.

"Not cool LJ." She mutters before walking back over to the couch.

"It was really funny though." He says. Slender walks in the room calling Sam to follow him. She follows him to his office and he tells her to have a seat.

"Sam, so, you found out you changed into a tiger?" She nods her head yes. "I done a little research and I found something that would interest you."

"What is it?"

"You are a shapeshifter now." She gives him a questioning look. "It means you can change into animals. Your main form will be a white tiger."

"Cool." She says with a smile. "Anything else?"

"You can actually change to look like the animal you want." He hands her a book and she reads the part he told her to. She smiles before putting the book on the desk. Sam gets on her knees in the floor, closes her eyes, and imagines a white tiger kitten. She feels herself getting dizzy but when she opens her eyes she's closer to the ground.

Sam looks up at Slender before he walks to the door opening it. She walks out before running to the couch and jumps up on it. Jeff and the guys are still there when she came back. Hoody picks her up looking at her.

"Aww she's a pretty kitty." He pets her and she starts to purr. She rubs her head on him. Jeff snatches her back from Hoody and she curls up in a ball on his chest. She falls asleep lying there. Jeff looks down and smiles at the beautiful sight lying on his chest.

"She's so fluffy." Jeff says petting her. EJ takes her from Jeff and pets her.

"She is fluffy." He laughs. He ended up waking her up. She hisses at him and jumps down.

"I think you pissed her off." Ben says. Sam walks over to the couch hopping back on before curling up into a ball going back to sleep.

"She is really good at being a cat." LJ says watching her. They just sit there watching her for a few before Jeff picks her up. He makes sure she doesn't wake up and takes her to his room. He puts her on the bed and lies down next to her.

(Few hours later)

Jeff fell asleep lying in bed. When he woke up Sam was lying on his chest ,still in her kitten form. He pets her and she woke up. She purrs and rubs her head on his chest.

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