Chapter Three

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Its been about a week of spring break. Sam's parents are back in town and they plan on going out partying. She gets her phone and messages the guys in a group chat.

(Chat group)

Jack: J

Jackie: Ja

Ben: B

Jeff: Je

Brian: Br

Tim: T

Sam: S

(Now it starts)

S: hey boys. :)

All: sup Sam?

S: you guys want to come over tonight and play video games? My parents are going out.

Je: sounds fun.

B: I'm always in when video games are involved.

Ja: yea it sounds good to me.

S: you guys can come over around say 5?

J: sure that's good.

S: see ya guys then.

She gets off her phone and straightens her room up. When it gets closer to time she goes downstairs to get a snack. It's about 4:30. Big mistake to go downstairs. Her dad was drinking, more than usual, he looks over at her. She shrinks back to the kitchen and he follows her stumbling. He throws a beer bottle hitting her in the head. She hits the ground holding her head.

"You stupid bitch. You should have died in the womb." Sam starts to tear up and he walks over pulling her hair back. She cries out trying to get free. "Just die bitch." He slurs before sitting on her back slamming her head into the floor. She kicks and screams trying to get free but it doesn't work. He slams her head harder and it cuts her head open. Blood pours out of the gash in her head flooding the floor. She's to weak to fight back anymore and he gets up leaving with her mom. They leave her on the floor bleeding to death. She tries to crawl to the phone to call for help but she's to weak.

'Hang in there Sam. You just have to wait for the guys.' She tells herself.

It's now five and Ben knocks on the door. No answer; they knew Sam was home cause this was the time she told them to be here. He tries the knob and the door opens. They walk in and can smell the blood in the air. Jeff runs to the scent finding Sam lying in the floor barely hanging onto life.

"Sam!" He bends down beside her and pulls her into his lap. "Guys!" They come in seeing Sam. She tries saying something but she's to weak. Sam drifts off into oblivion in Jeff's lap. "Come back." Jeff mutters. A few minutes pass and they heard the faint sound of sirens in the distance.

"Come on. We have to get out before the cops come." Jack says. Jeff stays on his knees with Sam.

"Jeff come on!" Ben yells. "Bring her with you! We can't get busted here!" Jeff picks Sam up before they take off out the back door running. Once they are back in the woods he goes to the clearing with Sam's body. He lies her down.

"We should have came sooner, Sam. You would still be alive. I would still have my Sam." He mutters the last sentence.

The next day they buried her under a willow tree in the clearing. Jeff had Jill put her in a white dress to say that she was pure. Masky and Hoody know Jeff is taking it pretty hard even if he wouldn't admit he liked her. They lie her to rest in the pouring rain.

(Time skip brought to you by drunk Jeffy! ~(*.*)~ )

It's been about a week since Sam died and a few of them started seeing a girl in white. Every time they see her they chase after only to not find anything. The girl in white stands in Sam's old room looking at all her things. None of Sam's things were moved and apparently no one knows she's dead. They have it rumored she went missing.

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