Chapter Fourteen

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(Months later)

It was about midday and I was in the shower while Ivy was asleep. Ivy's now about four and a half months. We have been picking names for the baby. We have a few for both genders. The boys names are Ryan, Blade, or Richard. She chose that one after Slendy. The names for a girl is Bella, Grace, or Samantha. Grace would be for after her mother and she picked Samantha. Anyways I was getting out of the shower and got dressed. When I got out of the bathroom I stopped dead in my tracks. Ivy was wake but the bed was full of blood and she was holding her stomach crying in pain. I started friggin panicking.

"Oh my." I ran out the door. "Smiley!" Once he came out of his room I pulled him to mine and Ivy's room. He had to take care of Ivy himself because the scent of blood was making my inner animal wanna come out and play. After he finished I helped Ivy get changed. She was weak after Smiley took care of her and we made her lie back down to rest. She had to lie my side of the bed since hers is bloody mess. Once she was asleep I went and got Masky.

"What the hell happened here?" He asked.

"She had a miscarriage." Smiley told him. He nodded his head. I don't think he really knew want to say. I was beside Ivy while she slept. When Smiley left I had Masky help clean up blood. When we was done I stayed beside Ivy while he left. Ben soon came up but I stopped him in the door. I walked up blocking him from getting in the room.

"Oh hell no. You can't be in here."

"I can too be in here. I want to check on Ivy."

"Fuck that. You should have thought of that before cheating." He tried to get pasted me but I knocked him into the hallway. He tried again and he got Sparta kicked down the stairs. "Asshole." I muttered before shutting the door. I've done that a few times now to him and Jeff for trying to get in here. I'm still fucking pissed at both of them but more at Jeff. The door opened again but this time it was Sally with Masky behind her.

"Is Ivy ok?" She asked me.

"Yea, she's fine sweetie. Don't worry Sally." Sally nods before leaving. Masky locked the door behind her to keep Ben from trying to get in again. I sighed once Sally left. "Think she will be happy?" I can only imagine how Ivy felt about the baby. She didn't know whose it is and being single but she has me, Masky, Hoody, and her dad not counting the other girls and few guys we ain't pissed at.

"Why? I thought she wanted the baby?" He walked over sitting on the bed.

"Well, she's didn't exactly know whose....." I stopped talking. "Shit." I muttered. With all my fucking thinking I about told. "Forget I said anything."

"What are you talking about? What doesn't Ivy know?" I just looked down.

"Please don't tell anyone. Not even Slender." I don't know if Masky will even agree to this.

"Fine, I won't." I was slightly shocked he said he wouldn't tell. I leaned over whispering it in his ear. I don't want anyone outside of the room hearing.

"The night we went on the double date everything went wrong. We was too fucking drunk and got switched. I slept with Ben and Ivy slept with Jeff. She doesn't know if the baby was his or Ben's. The four of us haven't told anyone until now."

"What?!" He yelled.

"Shh." I tried to get him to shut it.

"What the hell was you four thinking?!"

"Masky, keeps your voice down."

"How the fuck do you get switched?"

"We was fucked up on liquor."

"I won't tell but only because of about four reasons. One I'm your guys friend. Two Slender would kill both Ben and Jeff. Three it would only hurt Ivy more than she is probably already hurting and four I must have been wrong on numbers of reasons." I slightly smiled. He's trying to be funny in a serious time. I put my arms around his neck hugging him.

"Thanks Masky." He hugged me back. Soon he left me there with Ivy and went back downstairs. I really needed time to think.

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