Chapter Fifteen

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Sam's POV

It was later that night and we all left Ivy to rest after what happened this morning. Slender was gonna talk to his brothers and Smiley needed more painkillers for Ivy. I was left with Jeff to hunt with. Slender for some reason doesn't like me hunting alone. It was silent with me ignoring Jeff and him glancing at me.

"Sam, we can't keep doing this forever. You have to talk to me sometime and I don't mean yelling at me."


"That's a start." He groaned. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened with Ivy but I want us to try again."

"Why? Tell me that."

"Look, I didn't even like the fucking chick that I was with. I just for some reason felt drawn to her and then after you broke up with me it was gone. I didn't love her, hell, I didn't even like her. She was bitching about everything and forcing me to take her shopping."

"Oh, and I'm suppose to be like, yea babe I'll take you back after you fucking cheated on me and broke my heart?"

"No, I want to try making it up to you. I know I fucked up. I just can't figure out why." I stopped walking and stood in front of Jeff.

"You look here now Jeffery. I was left heart broken after my no good mother fucking cock sucking douche bag of a boyfriend cheated on me and now you want me to take you back like nothing happened? Hell nah. I can't just take you back. You lost my trust. You lost me." I was walking forward in my little ranting and he was walking backwards. His back hit a tree making him stop with me in front of him. "You want me back prove that you are even worthy of a second chance. I can't take this again if I took you back."

"Sam, I still love you. I never stopped. Kitty forgive me."

"Forgive you? How can I after what you done? I'm not some bimbo whore you can sweet talk and make them think it will never happen again."

"It won't, believe me."

"I can't believe anything you say anymore."

"Ok, fine, just please let's start over. Let me prove that you can trust me again." I backed up some.

"Fine, prove to me you can."

"I'm so glad you said that kitty." He moved forwards to hug me but I backed up. "We start as friends and go from there." He nodded and we went back to going hunting. I felt extremely better after chewing his ass out. It felt nice to get all that said. I really hope Ivy is ok, I shouldn't have left her. What if something happens? I stop thinking of that and continued to my victims house. Jeff stayed outside but I know he went to another house. I slaughtered the family ripping them to shreds. It's nice letting my anger out.

After killing that family I moved to another house slaughtering everyone inside. I was in my tiger form covered in blood. I don't really care if cops come or not right now. I want blood to be shed. I ran outside meeting up with Jeff. We ran to an abandon park and sat around. Jeff was covered in blood and so was I. "Jeff? Was I really that bad that you didn't want me anymore?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

Jeff's POV

I ran outside meeting up with Sam. We ran to an abandon park and sat around. I was covered in blood and so was Sam. "Jeff? Was I really that bad that you didn't want me anymore?" I looked at her like she was crazy.

'Why would she think I don't want her?' "No Sam. You didn't do anything. I really don't know why I even cheated. I loved you, hell, I still love you." I could see hurt flash in her eyes before they just turn to a blank expression.

"Come on, we have to get back to Ivy." We leave the park heading back home. At least we are back on talking terms again that's not yelling.

"Think Ivy is ok?" I asked.

"I hope so. I don't think Slender would leave her alone." Things were silent until I chuckled. Sam was already outside when Slender told Ben to watch Ivy.

"He had Ben to stay with her."

"Fuck she's going to be pissed." We get home before the others and Sam run up to Ivy's room with me following her. We get there and see Ivy lying on her side with Ben sitting on Sam's side. "Looks like she found out Ben's watching her." Sam walks over sitting by Ivy. "How ya feeling?"

"My stomach hurts." She was holding her stomach groaning. Soon Smiley gets here and gives Ivy a couple painkillers. Ivy stays lying there high on the painkillers. She chuckles every once in awhile.

"Pretty music." She has a weak smile on her face. Smiley is doing a check up over her and she is just singing Goodbye Agony. The words are slurred and soon she's out.

"She should be better in a few days. Just let her sleep as much as she wants for now." Sam stops him before he could leave.

"Why is she in so much pain? This is not normal."

"You are right, this is not normal but she's not normal. Ivy's half Ender and half fallen angel. Immortals always have pain thrown back at us doubled that of a human but an Ender has it thrown back ten fold. She's in more pain than a human or any other immortal could take. Make sure she takes the pain pills. They will cut the pain back to where it would be like a bee string to her." Sam nods and takes the bottle from him.

"Thanks Smiley."

"You're welcome. Oh yes, she had me do some test for her."

"What were they?" Ben asked.

"DNA and the gender of the child."

"Why DNA?" I asked.

"She told me about sleeping with both of you and not remembering most of what happened with Jeff. She wanted to know whose it was."

"Wait, when did this happen? I went to the appointments with her." Sam says.

"It was the day you was busy with Sally. When Slender was out of town and had Offender watching over her."

"What were the results?"

"The baby was a girl and the father was Ben." He looked happy but sad when hearing the results. Smiley left us all in the room with Ivy. It got very silent. Soon we are just sitting around taking care of Ivy.

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