Chapter One

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A seventeen year old girl was lying in bed sleeping. Her blonde hair spewed out on the pillow and frizzed up. An alarm clock goes off telling her it's time to get up. She crawls out of bed going to take a shower. She knew her parents were out of town so she was home alone.

She goes into the bathroom stripping down before hopping in the shower.

(Outside of the house)

"Dude, where is she?" A boy with brown hair and blue eyes asked.

"You know she doesn't get out of bed until 6:35." After about thirty minutes the front door opens and out walks the girl. She's wearing a BVB shirt with black skinny jeans, a gray beanie, has long black converse, and is carrying a Hollywood Undead hoodie on her arm and a book bag on her shoulder. She runs up to the Durango with the guys waiting on her and gets in.

"Morning guys. Sorry I'm running late."

"Morning Sam." They all say.

"You're always late." The boy with brown hair laughs.

"No I'm not Jeff." He is sitting in the driver seat and starts the Durango up. "Try not hitting anything I have to put my makeup on." Sam pulls makeup out of her bag putting it on. The makeup she is putting on is black with a touch of gray. Jeff hits a pothole while she is putting lipstick on. It smears onto her face. "Damn it Jeff! You jackass!" He just laughs at her. "Jackie get in my bag and hand me some tissue paper, please."

Jackie is sitting in the back with her. He looks in her purse and his face turns blood red. He finds tampons and pads in her purse. "Here." He pulls a tissue out handing it to her.

"Thanks Jackie." She wipes the lipstick off and finishes before throwing her makeup in the bag. She yawns. "I'm just gonna sleep till we get to school. Someone wake me when we get there." She pulls her hoodie on before looking at her friend Tim. "Make yourself useful Tim." She says before leaning over on his shoulder going to sleep.

"Why must she always use me as a pillow?" He asked. Everyone just shrugs and the ride is silent. The Durango has six people in it not counting Sam and they are all guys. There's Jeff, Ben, Tim, Brian, Jack, and another Jack but Sam calls one of them Jackie.

After about twenty more minutes of driving they pull into the parking lot at school. Tim wakes Sam up and they get out of the Durango . Tim has brown hair and blue eyes like Jeff.

They all walk up to the school building with Sam. The preps are all looking at the guys. Everyone thinks they are hot. Ben has dirty blonde hair that can cover one eye but he chooses not to and green eyes. Brian has blackish brown hair with dark brown eyes; him and Tim usually wear hoodies all the time. Jack has black hair with dark colored eyes and the other Jack or Jackie has brown hair with brownish green eyes. Everyone smiles at the guys but glares at Sam. When the bell rings Sam runs to class with her friends. They are all in the same first period. The class is known for debating and that's what they start out with. The teacher, Mr. Trait, calls Sam and a really preppy girl named Ashley up.

"Ashley you will argue against our topic and Sam you will argue for the topic." He tells them.

"What's the topic?" Sam asked.

"Life and death. I want to test your abilities outside of school knowledge to debate with."

(Feel free to read Ashley's part in a snob voice. I know I'm sure as hell writing it in one.) "Who would even want to die; it's just so painful. Like really it's better to live than rot in the ground." She looks over at Sam. "Like the only person that would even want to die besides fags and emos would be Sam." Sam bites her tongue waiting for her turn.

Twisted Love (Jeff the Killer Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें