Prologue: Re-Birth

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Disclaimer: I do Not Own Rwby.

"Nix, " Normal Speech.
'Nix, ' Normal Thought

'Where am I?'

He didn't know where he was. Or, how he even got there.

All he could see was darkness, that's if he is even able to see. He could hear what he believed to be voices but they sounded so distant. From what he could feel, he believes himself to be suspended in some form of warm liquid, he also feels constricted somehow.

He tries to recall how he had gotten there but draws a blank. As a matter of fact, he couldn't even recall where he was previously, or even remember who he was.

He was beginning to panic at his loss of self-identity but was interrupted by movement all around him.

He felt like he was being pushed out of something.

Just like one would shoot a cannonball out of a cannon, just not dramatic or explosive in his case.

'Wait, a cannon?' He thinks before his thoughts are interrupted once again by movement. Along with the movement, he also feels a pressure like force being applied around his body pushing him in a particular direction.

He has two choices, the first is to resist the pressure and stay where he currently is. The second is to not resist the pressure and allow it to guide him to a new destination, into darkness and uncertainty.

'All or nothing, I guess, ' He thinks. He decides to not resist the force and allow it to take him, hoping he'll soon learn where he is and how he got there.

After he was pushed and squeezed for a few minutes, he begins to believe he had chosen the wrong choice.

He soon sees light approaching, the distant voices he had heard previously now held more clarity.

The light soon consumes him, he had to close his eyes as the light proved too bright for his unprepared eyes.

He feels cool air caress his warm skin making him shiver in response. He feels himself being juggled between several hands before he soon feels some sort of fabric being wrapped around him to keep warm.

He soon feels himself being handed to another pair of hands, he feels himself being hugged close to something warm and hearing a thumping noise.

Opening his eyes he's greeted with a pale feminine face with white locks, light blue eyes, and a loving smile directed down at him.

He now understands where he was and what was happening.

"What should we name him, Honey?" He hears a feminine voice from above him.

He hears a humming noise in response. He pivots his head slightly to see who was humming.

He sees a man with black hair, a mustache, pale white complexion, light blue eyes like the lady that was holding him.

"Nix. Just like we talked about, Sweetie." The man answers the woman's question.

The woman hummed in response, creating comfortable vibrations that soothed him, he started feeling drowsy from the warmth, vibrations, and the woman's heart thumping in his ear.

He closed his heavy eyelids.

"Yes, Nix would be a wonderful name." The lady said.

'Nix, ' he thinks drowsily.

"Then, Nix Schnee it is." The man replies.

'Nix Schnee,' Nix thinks with a smile before he falls asleep.

"I believe he likes the name, Jacques, " The lady says as the baby in her arms has fallen asleep.

"I would hope so, Willow, " The man, known as Jacques replies.

The lady, Willow nods in agreement before a wave of exhaustion hits her.

"I believe I'll rest for a while, Honey," Willows says with an exhausted smile looking at her husband.

Jacques nods in agreement, "I think that's a good idea, rest well, My Love, " he says while walking up to her and kissing her on the forehead.

Jacques walks towards the door to leave, " I'll be back later, the nurses are here in case you are in need of something."

He closes the door behind him.

Willows hums to herself while cradling the baby she holding to her chest. Her humming causes her to fall asleep with her newborn child.




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Atlas' Transmigrant (OC x Harem)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें