The Trickster's Throne

Start from the beginning


I jerked in Loki's grip again as I came to myself, pulled from my inner thoughts by the realization that Loki was staring directly into my eyes instead of trailing his gaze up around my figure, our faces seeming to have grown so much closer to each other that I could just barely feel the puffs of Loki's breaths! How long had he noticed my staring? How long had he been staring back with that amused smirk? Gasping, I dropped my gaze, twisting my neck to look away from him, trying to hide the new, darker bloom of my embarrassed blush.

Loki's deep chuckle tickled my left ear, "I love to tease you, darling. I love your reactions, how you respond to me..."

His voice trailed off into the lightest of whispers, the brush of his breath causing goosebumps to rise on my arms and a shiver to run through my overheating body. Just then, to my great surprise, I felt just the barest touch of chilled lips upon the exposed crook of my neck.

"L-Loki!" I whirled around to face him, my eyes impossibly wide as my heart tried to jump into my throat. He... he'd kissed me! On the neck! He'd never tried to do that before! I was utterly astonished and dumbstruck by his bold, yet gentle intimate action!

"Am I being too forward, my love?" Loki raised a brow, his question serious even as he kept his tone soft and flirtatious.

"No..." I murmured, trying to calm my pulse as I pulled my gown's one shoulder strap up higher on my shoulder. It didn't do much as he'd kissed me on the other side of my neck where my shoulder was bare, but still, "It's just... new... I wasn't expecting it..."

Even with my denial, I must've looked terribly frazzled because Loki leaned back a bit, giving me space, his expression apologetic, "I am sorry. I didn't mean for that to shock you so. I just wanted to show you how I..." his voice faded for a moment, his eyes growing thoughtful for a second before he tried to speak again, "I am always rather zealous for you, but seeing you walk away from me last night on the arm of a different man, especially one that had shown signs of particular interest in you, seems to have struck a deeper chord in me than I had thought. I was happy to see the lord and lady's fondness for you and I knew I mustn't be selfish, but I can hardly help being greedy when it comes to you. I want your smiles all to myself, all your blushes to have been caused by me, and for each new experience to be ones that we share."

Absorbing his words, I allowed a finger to trace the seams of Loki's leather tunic and jacket, feeling the cool metal and the layers in the leather's designs as I relaxed in his grip again. "There's no need for you to be jealous, Loki."

"Jealous..." Loki repeated softly, thoughtfully, the hand that had been around my waist rising up my back so that he could twist the ends of my loose hair between his fingers as he considered the word, "Yes, I suppose I am."

"My heart is yours alone." I said reassuringly, allowing myself to look up into his face again, smiling, "Even when you're a merciless tease."

His smirk reappeared at my words, a mischievous grin of white teeth overtaking the thoughtfulness of his expression, "You've indeed charmed this silver-tongued snake, and now all I want is to show you what you have done to me and how much I adore you. Without you by my side, Penelope, I am like a dead man wandering the dark halls of Hel." As he spoke, Loki drew the strands of my hair towards his lips, effectively drawing my attention to his lips as well. They were usually thin and pale, but I now noticed the pinkish hue in his lips, how soft they looked, "Would you remind me of the warmth of the sun with your smile and give me a taste of Valhalla?"

My smile spread over my face of it's own accord as I timidly hooked my tracing finger into the niche of Loki's high collar right at the front of his throat, pulling him closer to me as I met his lips with my own. His kiss was gentle as his fingers that had been playing with my hair came up to caress the base of my skull. Shivers ran down my spine again at the coolness of his touch on the hot skin of my neck. I wondered if he could feel my racing pulse from that touch or if he could feel how my whole body melted into jelly as I leaned into him, giving way to him as I felt his tongue slide against my lower lip.

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