Summoned Before the King

Start from the beginning

At least I'd kept myself occupied and busy today. While I did feel kind of useless just sitting here and reading while Loki seemed to be working extra hard on his kingly duties, I knew that this was the best thing I could be doing right now. Until I had the official title of a lady, I had little power on Asgard besides my ties to the royal family through my engagement to the 'late' prince Loki and through the benevolence of the Allfather. While that was a lot, it was not enough. Even those connections and a title in the court would not be enough to gain me the respect of many of the court members. I would have to earn that myself. Once I was a lady, though, I'd be of much more help to Loki if I already knew as much about Asgard and her interests as possible. With that in mind, I'd studied harder than I ever had for any of my college courses.

I should get back to my books...

Discreetly, I tucked Loki's letter into the front of my olive dress, hiding it away in the bust of my corset. It still felt weird to me to be wearing a corset at all! This morning, when I'd still been asleep, Fulla had already been by to drop off more of Bil's offerings to me. When I'd woken up and opened the package, my entire face had blazed red upon finding most of it to be sets of undergarments.

Up until now, I'd gotten away without a bra or anything like that due to the styles of the wine-colored and cream dresses that either required a lack of a bra or could easily hide the fact that I was not wearing one. Now I had several kinds of corsets to choose from. Most were over-bust corsets that tied in the front, while there was an exception or two of under-bust or back-tied ones. Some were made of soft fabrics and silks with lighter support, while others were bone-ribbed for better structure, but all of them were lovely, many of them having some sort of embroidery or some kind of brocade. Besides that there was Asgardian female underwear, which looked like a mix between panties and loincloths of some sort. I'd blushed looking at all of them until I quickly arranged them in my closet. Undergarments are important, of course, but still, I wanted to make sure all of it was tucked away and out of sight.

Besides undergarments, I'd also received a pair of soft, black leather boots that would come up to just below my knee. A palace cobbler must've made them. I supposed that they were supposed to go with the royal blue long tunic I had received the day before.

Shifting my position on the chair I was sitting in, I fingered my latest gift from Loki that had been delivered to me as well. It was a golden arm band in the shape of a snake. Each scale on its thin body way meticulously shaped and its eyes were perfect little onyxes. The black jewels twinkled as I opened a history book to the page I'd left off at.

"I'd hardly finished a page when I heard a set of footsteps approaching me. Looking up I saw a page boy standing tall in front of me. He bowed at his waist quickly before asking, "Penelope of Midgard?"

"That's me." I gave him a curious look.

"Your presence has been requested by the Allfather." He declared, "I am to take you to him now!"

"Oh?" I tried to hide my excitement as I stood up, placing the bookmark back in the volume I'd been reading. Straightening out my skirts I followed after the page, "Right. Coming."

The boy, who looked to be in his teens, led me through the palace's halls. It only took me a short time to recognize where we were heading. The hallways of great stone pillars that led to the throne room looked familiar to me, which made me feel rather pleased with myself. Hopefully that meant I was getting used to the palace and would soon be able to meander the halls and rooms without fear of getting completely lost.

Arriving at the throne room's grand door, the boy nodded to the pair of einherjar who were standing guard and they pushed the door open for him. He stepped into the throne room before me and announced, "Penelope of Midgard!"

Once he'd completed his task he turned around, dismissed. As he passed me I uttered a grateful little "Thank you" to him before stepping into the grand, golden room myself.

The king was sitting upon his throne, his long, golden, spear-like scepter held in one hand as he spoke with a man who was standing beside the throne speaking with him as they both poured over documents that seemed to be spread over one of the wide armrests of the throne. Curious, I looked the unfamiliar man over as I approached the throne with practiced, smooth steps. He had a long, chestnut-colored beard that was braided and a thin nose. His trousers and ornate robed coat were variant shades of rich brown with orange and deep red brocade. Maybe he wasn't so unfamiliar after all... maybe I'd seen a portrait of him somewhere?

The two men had looked up upon the page's announcement of my presence. Locking eyes with Odin-Loki, I dropped gracefully into a curtsy, bowing my head as greeted him formally, "Allfather."

"You are dismissed, Gefjun. I will look over your statements. Look for my response." The king said to the man at his side while not shifting his eyes from me.

"Yes, Allfather." The man acquiesced obediently, gathering up a few of the documents before striding down the throne's steps and past me.

Gefjun... I knew that name? Loki had quizzed me on it just yesterday. I think... yes, I think he was a lord, one that was in charge of Asgard's agriculture. As he walked past me I bobbed into a shallower, respectful curtsy, addressing him politely, "My lord."

He nodded to me, seeming surprised by my etiquette. Pausing at the foot of the throne's stairs I looked over my shoulder as the throne room's massive doors were pulled shut behind the lord, leaving me alone with the king.

"If I didn't know any better, darling, I'd think you were born and raised a lady after that pretty little display." Loki's deep, teasing voice drew my attention back from the closed doors to the throne. Apparently, when I hadn't been watching him, Loki had dropped his illusioned disguise of the elderly Odin, transforming back to his usual appearance.

He looked so much like a king sitting upon that throne, almost as if he were born to reign from there. The golden shoulder pads and dark leather of his high-collared coat gave him a regal, mysterious air. His well-formed figure and straight posture made him look like a mythical king of old sitting there, smirking at me; sharp jawed, confident, and handsome in a way that was usually only possible in storybooks. 'Born to be a king', huh? I could believe it.

"Well, I have such a great teacher." I complimented with a slightly joking tone as I smiled up at him. Lifting my skirt ever so slightly so I didn't end up accidentally tripping myself, I alighted the steps towards him and the throne, "I have much to learn though. With everything I learn it seems to just show me how much I still don't know."

"It's to be expected." Loki sighed, leaning one elbow on the throne's armrest and resting his chin upon his fist.

"You look tired." I commented, leaning my rear against the end of one of the throne's armrests, not quite sitting on it. I had to twist a bit so that I could see him and his partially slumped posture. Though he truly did look powerful and so much like a king on this throne, that fact alone couldn't hide the weariness in his eyes and expression.

"Only because I am." The corner of Loki's lips quirked up at his own response, probably thinking himself clever and amusing. He reached out, gently covering my hand that I had resting on the armrest behind me with his own. I couldn't help but smile at the small, loving touch.

"Looks like you've been working yourself pretty hard today." I noted, gazing at the throne's armrest and all the papers strewn on it. Skimming the documents, it was clear to me that Loki truly had been busy today. How many things had he had to deal with since I'd last seen him last night? My feeling of not being useful settled over me again as I turned my gaze to Loki's face, "I wish there was something I could do to help you."

Loki's brow arched for a moment as he leveled his gaze up at me before a devilish smirk flashed over his thin lips. His jade-green eyes glittered suddenly with a roguish mischief that immediately made my heart pound upon seeing it, my face growing pink under his heated gaze. Before I could react, Loki's hand had tightened over mine, grasping it firmly as he suddenly tugged it towards himself, unbalancing me and bringing me down with it, as he smoothly cooed in his silver-tongued voice, "Oh, but there is."

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