Once he'd chosen the books he wanted to use for my ladyship curriculum he led me to a pair of chairs. Sitting down he started his lesson right away, teaching on how things worked in the courts, starting with appropriate greetings. It seemed that everywhere Loki and I went, people were constantly bowing to him since he appeared to them to be the Allfather. Loki explained to me why the Asgardians bowed with their fist over their hearts and the different levels of bowing depending on situation and rank.

When approaching the king in the throne room, for example, especially for a petition, it was proper for most people to kneel down on one knee, bow their heads and place their fist over their chest. Higher ranks could get away with a bow from the waist instead of kneeling. People of different ranks and positions offered each other different kinds of bows. Courtiers didn't place their hands over their chests when they bowed to each other and how much they bent depended on their rank in accordance with each other and how formal the situation was.

Women, in most cases, didn't bow, but instead curtsied. Lady Sif seemed to be an exception. Since she saw herself as a warrior before being a lady she was more inclined to bow and kneel than to curtsy. When curtsying to the king it was supposed to be a low curtsy with a bowed head and the hand over the heart. In more informal settings to others of the same rank a mere nod may do.

Loki had me practice these curtsies, standing up every so often to gently help reposition me so that my stance and gesture were smooth and correct. Though as his fingers grazed the bare skin of my arms or brushed along my sides as he adjusted my posture, it was all I could do not to shiver and blush. I would catch the faintest glimpse of a self-satisfied smirk or an amused chuckle from him before he wiped his face back to an instructive expression like that of a strict tutor, directing me to try again.

I paused halfway through a curtsy that would be meant for a lady of my standing to offer to a general, a thought dropping into my head.

"What is it?" Loki asked noticing my awkward halt and thoughtful face.

"Yesterday when we ran into General Tyr on the training grounds... I only nodded my head to him since I didn't know what else to do... I should've curtsied like this, shouldn't I have?"

"After the disrespect he showed you? No." Loki almost snorted, standing up even as I rose from my practice curtsy. "He should've been the first to bow his head to you if he had any propriety."

I nodded, sensing the bitterness in his tone. Truly, part of me wanted to smile at Loki's indignation on my behalf. I liked this little evidence of him being on my side, of his support of me. Another part of me felt just a bit embarrassed about it. Tyr wasn't the first person who wasn't fond of me and he probably wouldn't be the last. Another question popped into my head, "You had him kiss my hand?"

"It is proper for a man to kiss the hand of a lady upon introduction or if he wishes to ingratiate himself to the lady he greets or to show amiability and respect to her." Loki said, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips, mumbling against my knuckles as he held my gaze, "Though I admit that I loathe the idea of anyone besides myself being allowed to place their lips on any inch of your skin. However, I desire for those of the realms to offer you nothing but the highest respect, which, I'm afraid, includes kisses to these lovely fingers. It is quite a predicament, is it not?"

"I suppose so." Was all I could seem to say in response as his eyes started catching me in their trance again, his chill lips tickling the skin on the back of my hand sending another shiver up my arm. How was it that his touch could be so cool and yet it only seemed to make me warmer?

"Ah, is that another blush, my love?" Loki teased gently with a quirked, suggestive brow. His lips turned into a well pleased little grin, his eyes filled with that mischief I remembered from earlier, this pupils dilating a bit as he ran his lips up to my wrist, pulling me closer and speaking against my skin so I could feel the soft feathers of his breath, "Shall I allow my lips to wander so that I can see just how red you would become?"

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