♦️ Chapter 36 || You Were Made to be Mine ♦️

Start from the beginning

Jake laughs but quickly covers it up, "Principle HillWater, It's my fault. I told them to do it."

Principle HillWater places her hands on her hips, "Well you can join them, Mr. Vance."

And then I did something I have never done, "Principle HillWater they did it for me, so Jake could surprise me and ask me to the winter formal."

My eyes widen and I feel a cheeky grin form at Jake's mouth.

Principle HillWater removes her hands from her hips, "Thank you, Nicole. Jake that was a kind gesture but I'm sorry. I still have to give you boys detention."

Jake shrugs laugh, "What else is new."

All the boys laugh.

Principle HillWater loosens up and smiles, "Have fun at the dance you two" and with a wink walks away.

"She is awesome," Alice says

"Why do we have the coolest principle?" Alice asks with a smile.

"But you guys still got detention," I say with a frown.

Jake shrugs, "She is gonna find a way to pardon us. She always does because she says we amuse her and keep her young."

"Why do we have the coolest principle?" Alice asks with a smile.

I laugh.

"It's also because the teachers that run detention have had enough of us and can't stand us anymore," Dan laughs.

Alice shrugs, "I see that."

"But we forgot one crucial part of that conversation," Jake adds.

"We did?" Dylan questions.

"Nicole spoke up the school Principle," Jake shouts like a proud father as he nudges me.

Everyone else joins in cheering.

"Our little baby is growing up so fast," Alice fakes a tear.

I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Are you guys hungry? Wanna grab some food to celebrate?" Dylan asks.

"You're always thinking about food," Asher slaps Dylan's head.

"Nicole and I were going to go to the mall to get her a dress. Wanna join?" Alice asks.

"Yeah!" They all cheer.

"Can I stop at my locker and grab my backpack first?" I ask.

"No, we are gonna make you leave it here," Dan teases.

I laugh as I run to my locker, grab my backpack and put away anything I don't need for homework and run back to the group.

"Where do you want to eat Nicole?" Alice asks.

"Can I eat after I get a dress? The food is going to make me look big."

They all give me death glares.

"You couldn't look big even if you wanted to," Alice crosses her arms, "But yes we can eat after."

"But I'm hungry!" Dylan pouts.

"No buts!" Alice demands and Dylan stops complaining, "And Jake I'm taking Nicole today."

Jake rolls his eyes, "Fine see you guys there."

We all exit the school, get in the cars or in Jake's case he gets on his motorcycle, and we all drive to the mall.

"What store do you want to go to first?" I ask when we are all in the center of the mall.

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