Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm updating because of a few comments asking me to do so and because I'm procrastinating studying for my exam this week lmao - enjoy this eventful rollercoaster chapter of emotions. P.S there are trigger warnings also in this chapter and you can stop reading at anytime x

Every human being has an emotional breaking point: no matter how strong-minded they seem to be or how tough the facade they put on show appears to the eye.

Each and every single human will reach a point where the feelings they have bottled up can no longer be suppressed and will erupt out of their system voluntary or not.

Of course that's not to say that some people don't last longer than others because they certainly do but there will come a point when even the most strongest will collapse under pressure and that is entirely as a result of the obstacles life contains.

Arya did not want to break. It made her feel emotionally weak and inferior to the others and she certainly did not want to cry in their presence.

However her inner conflict felt entirely different as she had yet to move from her position on the bed - she had her knees up to her chest and her head buried into them- and she had no intentions of moving.

The blue eyed girl felt almost disconnected with the world and entirely stuck in her own mind for she couldn't hear the sounds of the wooden door being brutally kicked every few seconds. She couldn't hear her own crying.

All she could feel was the tears rolling down her cheeks which made her cry harder because this was exactly the last thing she had wanted to occur yet it was out of her control.

The female certainly did not want to discuss her feelings and struggles with the seven males of the house, the utter thought of doing so was making her feel more distraught and overall silly, pathetic, and idiotic. Arya let out a small scream at her own thoughts.

It had never gotten to this extent before and she wanted to slap herself.

The frame of the door started to creak and shake and for a split second the girl was worried that it would snap in half.

She tried to muffle her crying and she stopped completely when the door was finally forced open and in poured all seven males who were equally worried.

Arya quickly wiped her tears to pretend she wasn't crying despite the fact her face was red and the boys had certainly heard her sadness. "What do you want? I told you I was fine." Her voice came out a little raspy.

"We want to talk about your health condition, we want to know how we can help improve it." Jin answered for the group who found themselves scattered around Arya on the bed.

"You can help improve by leaving me alone and not accusing me of having an illness I do not have!" Arya snapped.

Namjoon exhaled, "We were not accusing you of anything it was as a result of Jin's diagnosis."

The female clenched her fist and suddenly felt a presence hug her back. "We want you to be safe." Hoseok mumbled into the crook of her neck.

The female grew tense as Taehyung latched himself onto her side. "Explain to us everything so we can understand what you are feeling."

Arya shook her head, "I'm not comfortable enough doing that."

She felt Yoongi interlace their hands and smile sadly at her. "If you get everything off of your chest it will make you feel better."

Arya looked at the green haired male hesitantly. "We've all been through shit times and maybe our mistakes can be of help." Jimin spoke.

"I feel like I'm going to be heavily judged, especially by Jungkook," Arya shrugged honestly.

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