My hands clutch his shirt pulling him to me as he moves away.

"N-no don't leave. I'm scared a-and you being near me is strangely helping me to not have a full out panic attack from all of this," I blurt out.

"I won't leave you and it's not strange. We're mates my presence will make you feel safer especially since I'm an Alpha. After yesterday's incident I'm sure you're terrified I was just going to make you a cup of hot chocolate to help you feel more at ease," he says motioning to a counter where there are two pretty mugs, a boiled kettle, hot chocolate powder and most of all mini marshmallows.

"C-can I have the marshmallows in mine?" I ask.

"Of course Sasha," he chuckles and I can't help but enjoy his laugh.

I feel so strange. Ever since he marked me I feel so drawn to him and it's increasing every day. I just have this feeling he'll protect me. He won't hurt me or try to use me even if I have to 'mate' with him. I know by how he treats me and acts that he doesn't want me just for my body and I like that. The only problem is I am thinking of my growing crush or attraction towards him when I have literally just jumped from the second floor of a mansion and I could have died and I have wolves after me. I need to think these thoughts when my life might not be in danger.

"Sasha baby I'll never let them hurt you so stop worrying and relax," he whispers.

"H-how did you-"

"I can feel strong emotions you give off because of the mate bond just like I feel a small painful tug at my heart whenever you get hurt now that I've marked you. Our bond is nearly completed all that's left to complete it is mating however I understand that you don't agree which is why I'm resisting the urge till you consent to it be it before or during heat," he says.

"I thought we could ignore that for now. I don't want that pressure of having to mate," I whisper.

"I know you don't and I don't like that you have to go through this but you do unfortunately and you will go into heat eventually if you aren't mated. I'm sorry that you have to go through this because of me. I wish you didn't have to but as all wolf females do you'll go into heat if we don't mate but I won't force you into anything unless you force me to swim to Antarctica," he says and his last comment makes me giggle lightening up the rather sad mood.

There is sudden banging at the door and he gets in front of me growling lowly and protectively like a wolf over his mate but then isn't that what this is.

The door is forced open and I scream as I see the two men from the bedroom.

Dylan immediately shifts and pounces on them knocking them down and in seconds they are out cold.

He turns human and cuffs them.

"D-Dylan won't they break those?" I ask scared.

"Nope silver and wolfsbane reinforced cuffs. Perfect for keeping wolves weakened and restrained. It makes wolves weaker than a human well unless they are strong like me but even I can't handle them forever. They burn us terribly and hurt. Silver wounds also take longer to heal," he says sitting beside me and pulling me onto his lap and passing me the hot chocolate he prepared after restraining them.

"I-I like this," I whisper.


"I like it when you're gentle with me and you're kind, like this, like when you took me on that date yesterday and you saved me. I don't like the side of you that tried to control me and force me to stay here. Call me cliche but I enjoy it when you treat me like this, like your princess," I whisper blushing slightly.

I suddenly realise I just let out everything to him. He made me just feel so safe without even trying.

"My princess huh," he says and I blush.

"I like it when you react positively to me. It makes me and my wolf so happy to see our mate appreciating our efforts to be more considerate especially after how forceful I was at the start. For you to tell me that makes me over the moon," he whispers hugging me.

"Don't hug me. The hot chocolate could spill," I mutter.

He laughs and kisses me softly on my head.

"Is this a better comprise?" He asks and I blush furiously.

"You're adorable princess," he whispers.

There is a knock of the door and he shifts me onto the seat and walks to the door.

He opens it and I see a man standing there with him.

"The rogues have retreated," he informs Dylan.

"Good. Take these two to the cells, torture them for every piece of information they have. Don't be too gentle they tried to hurt my luna something I will not allow," Dylan says and he walks to me.

"The danger is all over however I don't feel safe letting you leave me. Do you want to stay in my office. As much of a distraction you are to me in the office it'll help me a lot knowing you are safe and not unguarded and vulnerable," he says.

"Okay, this couch is comfy anyway," I say snuggling up into the amazingly soft couch and he chuckles.



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