He knew her...he just didn't know how he knew her. He took a deep breath and allowed the fragmented memories to slip away as he placed the berry tin back in his pocket and forced his mind to focus on what lay ahead of them.

When they came to the last step, Ingrid motioned for them to stop and leaned forward to look around the corner to the right before turning left toward The Matron's quarters.

Soft moonlight streamed through the uncovered windows and illuminated the wood planks and worn Persian rugs as the group quietly made their way down the hallway.

The violin music grew louder and more strident as they rounded the corner and stood within the open doorway. Warm, golden candlelight fell upon a scene that simultaneously brought a growl of rage to Esmund, Gunnar, and Ulric's lips. The rest of the room remained hidden in deep shadow.

Nora hung suspended from a beam held by thick iron chains. More chains wrapped around her neck and elbows and forced her arms out at unnatural angles.

Weights hung from her ankles and hovered several inches above the floor as she struggled against her bonds. But, there was no sign of Elsie.

When Gunnar growled and stepped forward, Theadora stopped him, "Remember, don't believe everything you see within these walls." She awaited his nod before pulling her sister and Marigold into the shadows.

"You handsome boys, keep the witch busy; we'll go find your women," Dorathea said as she gave a saucy wink before the three women vanished.

Esmund's brows shot up his forehead as he turned to Ingrid, "What the hell are those three?"

Ingrid shrank back and sidled closer to Ulric; however, she moved too quickly for her lame leg and tripped and fell against him before she could catch her balance.

Ulric glanced down, his eyebrows slamming together in a harsh frown. He helped her stand upright once more before he moved several steps away from her.

"Don't worry about them," Gunnar gave Esmund a nudge, "Focus on what we're here for."

"You two should head the attack," Ulric murmured with narrowed eyes as he stared into the shadow-filled chamber. His shoulders were rigid, and his hands clenched into fists at his side. Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Ingrid, "It's too risky having me berserk without knowing exactly w-what the hell?"

Ingrid let out a groan as her head whipped back and her body arched. Ulric stopped her from falling by wrapping his arms around her and holding her close as she began to shake. When she straightened, her eyes glowed an eerie blue.

The strange trance lasted less than a minute, and the instant it was over, Ingrid appeared to be her usual self—well, as normal as she had been before—but chills raced up and down Esmund's spine. Whatever just occurred didn't bode well for any of them.

When the tremors subsided, Ulric set her away and wiped his hands against his trousers. Without a backward glance, he resumed his position at the door and ignored her. Ingrid stared at Ulric before glancing at Gunnar and Esmund.

She looked as if she wanted to speak but stepped further away from Ulric without saying a word. Esmund frowned, unsure of what was going on between the two of them. But he was saved from further thoughts on the matter when the music abruptly stopped on a discordant note.

They dashed out of view and hugged the wall on either side of the doorway as The Matron's voice clawed its way forward from the darkness and bled out into the hall. "I was beginning to wonder when you'd show up." Skirts swished against the floor as The Matron moved within the deep shadows, hiding most of the room, "Weren't you taught it's impolite to lurk in doorways?"

"Should we try for a surprise attack?" Gunnar whispered.

Esmund scoffed, "A surprise attack? She knows we're out here."

"You know what I mean," he growled and held a berry to his lips.

"I trust you found us without too much trouble?" The Matron murmured. "No marauding highwaymen befell you upon your way?" She clucked her tongue, "How rude of me; I forgot to offer my condolences on the passing of your father. Such a tragic turn of events."

The bow swept over the violin strings in a screeching wave of discordant noise before gentling into a melancholy tune. "However, as you should know by now, in your line of work, death is inescapable, especially when someone breaks the rules and tries to play the hero."

How dare she mention Father's death as though she hadn't been the cause of it? Without thinking, Esmund charged into the room, "Release Nora and Elsie."

Ulric cursed.

"My, my...you've only just arrived, and already you're making demands."

He growled and took a step forward, "Release them-"

"Or what? I assume you were about to threaten me should I fail to let them go in a timely manner?" The music slowed and softened, "Shall I make you a proposition?" She paused briefly, allowing the room to fall into complete silence before stating clearly, "Defeat me, and you gain their freedom."

Gunnar and Ulric came and stood beside him. "Why should we believe you'd fight fair?"

"Who said anything about fair?" she purred.

Palpable rage boiled between the three of them, causing Esmund's Berserker to rattle around inside, screaming to be freed. He would lose it if she said one more word—other than acquiescing to their demands.

The door slammed shut, followed by a sharp click of the lock turning. They'd fallen into The Matron's trap of words and hadn't even realized it. Esmund ground his teeth to keep from saying something that would make the situation worse and tried to devise a plan to get them out alive.

"This isn't a game, lady," Ulric thundered, "You're-" his voice cut off as he clutched at his throat and fell to the floor, choking.

"Wrong! The game began when you pledged your aid to Elsie, and unfortunately for you, I've grown tired of playing."

Ulric's face became a mottled red, and veins began bulging in the side of his neck. Ingrid whimpered and rushed forward to help but fell to the floor, frozen in place. She fought against the invisible bands and strained to reach Ulric, but the harder she struggled across the floorboards, the less she was able to move until she lay immobile, six inches away from him.

Gunnar popped a berry in his mouth and leaped into the shadows where the music had been coming from. Darkness swallowed him up and, seconds later, spat him back out.

He flew through the air straight back until he collided with Nora. Except it wasn't Nora. She vanished the instant his body passed through where she should have been, and he fell to the floor with a heavy thud, inches away from Ulric. Gunnar groaned and attempted to stand but was slammed to his back by an unseen force.

"One more down; it seems you mighty berserkers are anything but." The Matron clucked her tongue, "Haven't you learned by now that you buffoons are no match for me?"

Ulric gasped in a lungful of air, uncontrollably coughing as he pushed himself to his knees. Suddenly, he flew into the air, slammed into the ceiling, and fell back to the floor.

The Matron's laughter echoed through the room, reverberating deep and low within Esmund's ribs until it matched the beating of his heart. He fell to his knees, clawing at his chest as his lungs seized and refused to expand.

His vision grew dim, and The Matron's laughter increased. "This has been too easy! I held such high hopes one of you three would prove to be a worthy diversion. Instead, you've brought nothing but disappointment." The pain in Esmund's chest grew worse as she hissed, "And now for my favorite part..."

Esmund gasped in agony as tears spilled down his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Elsie. Please forgive me." He couldn't believe it; they were going to fail. They'd never even stood a chance.

Fearless Warrior: Isaacson Trilogy Book TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang