Entry 8:

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Entry 8:

Francis sat across from his son in the small containment facility located in the back of the compound. He was immensely disheartened by how Franken had reacted to Xene. If given just a little more time Francis truly believed that Franken would have ended Xene's life. Francis gazed at his son's bloodied hands. He could see the beginnings of bruises tracing his knuckles. His heart ached as he rose his face to look into his son's eyes. Purple and black ran across his jawline and cheekbone just under his left eye.

The dark haired man reached across the table, gingerly laying his fingers across the boy's knuckles.

"I know that what Xene did was horribly wrong, but you cannot let yourself lose control like that, son," Francis said in a gentle but firm tone. Franken simply avoided his father's piercing green eyes. Something inside of the boy didn't feel quite right. He felt different, yet the same somehow. He felt an almost uncontrollable urge to destroy everything around him. He could imagine the walls around them crumbling to the ground as the ceiling cracked and shattered agaisnt the hard floor. Like an earthquake he longed to shake the world around him.

He could imagine Xene's blood running in streams from his cold, still body. Franken tried to shake the violent images from his head without succession. He couldn't bare or even imagine looking his father directly in the face as he imagined such grotesque things.

"I was just angry; I blacked out and wasn't sure of what I was doing," Franken said in an attempt to lie. He, however, failed at convincing his father. Francise knew what his son was capable of and he knew that once Franken was introduced to something like that he wouldn't be able to push the thought out of his mind.

He was also aware that bringing Kat and Xene into the compound grounds would be a mistake. He only did so because he had no choice but to lock them up somewhere. The truth was that Lord Death only funded the program to cut down on the number of Kishin outbreaks. At the current state the compound was in, Francis failed to convince Lord Death that the cursed children could be reassimilated back into normal society. His hope that his son could live a normal life was dwindling.

Francis sighed before speaking to his son,"Rest assured that Xene will be dealt with accordingly. However, in order to monitor your behavior and actions you'll have to wear this tracking device."

Francis held up a black metal bracelet and reached for his son's hand. He securely placed the bracelet around the boy's wrist and pressed a small circular button on the side. A green light lit up after his father did so.

"The bracelet has four modes. Green is the primary color that will be shown inside of that circle. If it is detected that you're feeling overly agitated then the color will turn yellow. If you or your vitals are in distress the light will turn blue. If it is detected that you are a threat to yourself or those around you then the light will turn red. This program is fairly new but many of the guards residing in the facility have already been trained on what procedures to take with each color change."

Francis briefly explained how the new bracelet system being implemented worked, though he seemed to be hiding something in the details. The cold metal against Franken's pale skin would surely take some getting used to. He didn't quite feel angry at his father, but he did feel something close to agitation. Several thoughts flew threw his mind as he was still trying to piece together what was going on within and outside of his own body. He had never gotten so angry for the benefit of others. The way he'd reacted baffled him.

He used to long for the approval of his mother, so much that the affections of his own father were merey nonexistent in his eyes. However, now that he had the approval and dare he say affections of not one person, but two, he was still left feeling unsatisfied. The only viable reason for this in his mind was that he was already in control of his father and Shizuka's feelings. He already felt that he owned them and so it started making perfect sense to him why he went to such great lengths to protect Shizuka. In that moment he started to view their relationship very differently than before.

He felt that he owned her, and his father. In part, he felt that what happened to them, good or bad, would ultimately have to be in result to what he wished to happen. This revelation was in part to the fully awakening blood coursing through his veins. Franken stared blankly down at his wrist, waiting for the bracelet to change to any color except green. When the bracelet did not change he realized his true nature. He let his fingers spread widely on the tabletop and stared at them. He felt so much power that he hadn't before. It was like he was a completely new person.

"Father, when may I go? I'd like to return to sharing a room with Shizuka." Franken said with true sincerity. He only lied when he spoke his next words.

"I wish to protect her from now on."

His father looked upon him with concern but remained silent. Francis signaled to the two guards waiting on standby. Both of them ushered over. Francis gave the order for them to escort Franken to his old room. From there he would gather his belongings and move back in with Shizuka. Franken smiled devilishly at the ground the entire time they walked.

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