Entry 6: Heartache

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Entry 6: Heartache

Franken sat at his window sill, staring out at the dark courtyard. The wind whipped the branches of the old cherry tree around crazily. Water streaked in heavy streams down the glass. His breath slightly fogged the pane as he lay his wet head against it. His hair was pushed back in a way that made it look purposely slicked atop his head. Water dripped from the ends, landing on his exposed shoulders. Shizuka had stopped sleeping in their room about a month ago.

Things had been strained between them ever since that cursed night. Franken nearly regretted the events that took place between them. However, something within him felt relieved; as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders. It was as if admitting his fears and anxiety had freed him, if only slightly. Franken lay his palm flat against the glass of the window; it was chilled to the touch. Franken imagined the coldness being similar to his frozen heart. Something inside of him broke that night that could never be repaired by anything other than Spirit's warmth.

Franken walked over to his dresser, retrieving a worn photo from a small box on top of it. He ran his thumb across the bottom. Spirit stood with his family; all of them smiled brightly. Spirit's face was lit up with joy as he held his new baby sister Hana. Ichigo kneeled beside him staring at her younger siblings with love filled eyes. Iren's right hand was on his son's head, the other around his wife's shoulders. They were the picture perfect family; everything Franken could never have.

Franken flipped the photo over to read what Spirit had written. At first Franken was impressed with how neat and aesthetically pleasing Spirit's handwriting had become; but he soon came to despise something even as small as that. It's only purpose now was to simply remind Franken that the boy was drastically changing without him by his side. You'll always have a place in this family and my heart; is what Spirit had written. A single tear spilled over Franken's waterline.

"You've chosen to abandon me. I should have known better than to trust somebody as flippant as you. I don't belong anywhere. These are the last tears I'll shed for you. I don't belong anywhere," the boy said bitterly, tossing the photo into his small paper can. His hand froze in place, his mouth slightly open as his eyes spotted a photo of him and Shizuka.

She was much younger than presently. Franken's hand was in hers as she looked up at him with a smile on her lips. He remembered being surprised when he received the photo because it was the first time the girl had smiled since he'd met her. He clutched his fingers tightly as his heart ached. He had promised to take care of her; not only to his father but to Shizuka herself.

"I'm not like you, Spirit. I would have given you everything, but you threw my trust away" the boy said before grabbing his uniform jacket and rushing out of the room.

"Spirit, this is your sister Hana. Do you remember her at all?" An elderly lady asked the boy. The woman had curly gray hair that fell to her shoulders. Another younger lady with golden hair and large hazel eyes held the little girl in her arms. The girl certainly did resemble the boy. She had light strawberry and large blue eyes rimmed with dark long lashes.

The girl's face was also lightly brushed with flecks of freckles. She was like a sunkissed beach shining in Spirit's abyss of a mind. The little girl reached her tiny arms out towards the boy. The redhead was thrown off and unsure of what to do. He didn't remember the little girl at all. On top of that he had been told that he'd been living in the orphanage for three years now and he had no memory of the building or the people there.

He was told that he had been in an automobile accident a few months prior. He suffered massive head trauma and therefore had lost his memories of which he was told may never return. His face held a broken expression that was a mixture of pain and confusion. He knew that something important was missing because he felt and empty void filling his heart.

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