Entry 7: Bloodlust

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A/N: This chapter depicts domestic and sexual violence.

Entry 7: Bloodlust

The boy shut the door behind him. Shizuka struggled as Xene took both of her wrists within his hands, all the while keeping that awful smile. He pulled the smaller girl close to him. His bright green eyes scanned her body head to toe, sneering when his eyes met hers.

"Not really much to look at, no wonder your pining never got you anywhere," Xene said, forcing the younger girl backwards. He pushed her onto her bed in the far corner. This caused Shizuka to slam her head harshly against the wall. Her vision became disoriented as she looked up at his blurry face.

"I... don't know what you're talking about... or why you're doing this," Shizu said in a slur; her words were slow and overdrawn as she tried to focus. Her head throbbed and her wrists were burning with pain under the pressure the boy was applying. Shizu struggled to free herself but to no avail.

"Of course you don't, because you're not really a true cursed child. You're supposed to be like me; your eyes are like mine, but people don't fear you. All you are is a coward. I have no respect for someone like you. You're so weak and slow tempered. You're just a snack for us real cursed children and I plan to devour you fully." Xene's words frightened Shizu.

The boy spread the girl's legs with his knee, violently separating them. Shizu's nightgown slid up her thigh as the boy did so. Memories of a similar occurrence flew through Shizu's mind. Green eyes were replaced with dull black ones and Xene's face transformed into her old "caretaker's". Tears sprang to the girl's eyes and she began to scream. Xene slammed her hands onto the bed, lowering his face to the side of her neck. The boy viciously bit the girl's neck, nearly hard enough to draw blood.

He licked the mark he had just made, proceeding to make another near the base of her throat. He released her left wrist, slipping his fingers beneath the top of her nightie. The chill sent shivers down Shizu's spine as her body began to profusely tremble. The boy made an animal like sound; laughing when Shizu failed to fight back. The girl just lay there in shock and fear. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to block out the visions of her past. Xene pulled her nightgown top slightly down, exposing the girl's tender skin beneath the sanctity of soft cloth.

Chilled air met the girl's supple skin. The unGodly creature ravaging the girl nipped her skin as he moved towards the top of her breast; stopping short as something harshly struck the back of his head. He was hit with enough force that he slammed into the girl's chest; eliciting a small shout. Shizu opened her eyes to view the scene before her. Francis' face flashed before her; his eyes filled with anger and disgust. Though upon further inspection Francis' face was promptly replaced with his son's. Franken stood behind the boy, his hand clenched in a fist around Xene's silver hair.

Franken's eyes were wide and shining brilliantly with murderous anger. Franken looked insane as he pulled the boy up off of Shizu and slammed him onto the ground. Shizu's breath hastened as she watched the scene. The hesitation and shock that overtook Xene gave Franken enough time to make the first move in regards to the fight that was about to break out. Franken promptly placed his shoe clad foot over Xene's throat; applying more pressure as he stared upon the other boy.

A sickening smile met Xene's lips despite his airflow gradually being cut off. The older boy grabbed Franken's shin and forced him back with immense strength. Franken faltered only for a moment, however, that was plenty of time for Xene to get to his feet. Franken flew towards the boy striking him in the face with brutal force. Xene spit blood onto Franken's face as he barreled into the boy. Franken fell to the ground in a struggle. He fought to regain control; only succeeding after Xene struck him twice in the stomach and once in the face.

Once Franken was able to regain dominance over the fight he struck Xene repeatedly in a flurry of fists. By this time Shizu was trying to recollect herself. Shaky hands tried to quickly straighten out her clothing. The bottom of her nightie stayed in place but the top slid back down as it had been ripped and stretched by Xene. The girl rose; running past the two boy's and through the hallway. She ran two hallways down to the reception desk. She was surprised as she watched Francis walk through the front doors.

He had previously been on a trip, but she was relieved to see him. Her body released it's tension as his eyes met hers. Her knees buckled as she fell to the ground. Her palms met the cold tile and she watched as Franken ran over to her. The man stopped shortly before as his eyes took in her mangled appearance. He became furiously panicked as he saw the marks on her neck. He tore his jacket off and wrapped it around the girl.

"Shizuka, who did this?" He demanded as he helped her stand.

"In my room, right now! Franken, he-"

"Franken..." Francis said brokenly as he cut the girl off. Francis didn't let Shizu finish as he mistakenly took his son as the culprit. He knew that the two of them had a falling out but never imagined his son would hurt Shizu.

"Kei, take Shizuka to the medical unit immediately." Francis commanded the guard that had stopped Shizuka in the dining hall a few months prior.

The guard came over taking the girl's shoulders gently in his large hands. She initially flinched but somehow felt more calm after a moment.

"Wait, Franken didn't do this. Francis misunderstood me. I have to go back to my room," Shizu shouted to Kei.

Kei initially refused but upon seeing Shizu's desperation he decided to allow the girl to return to her room. He walked with her. Upon arriving Shizu witnessed as Francis attempted to pull Franken off of Xene; who was a bloody mess by this point. Xene struck Francis as he attempted to retrieve his son, eliciting a kick to the stomach from Franken. Francis struggled to hold his son back as two other guards restrained a weakened Xene.

As the guards pulled Xene out of the room the boy attempted to glance at Shizu, he was however stopped as Franken had once again escaped his father's grip. The boy took Xene by his hair, coming close to his face and spitting on the boy.

"If I catch you even looking at this girl again; I will end you," Franken snarled, emphasizing the word end.

Francis quickly grabbed his son's arm with his left hand, wrapping his right arm around the boy's waist. He held his son tightly against his body as he tried to pry his hand out of the other's hair.

"I will get you for striking my father." Franken added, releasing the boy's hair. All the while Xene kept his sickening smile. Franken's body shook with adrenaline and fear. Fear of what he had just done and fear of what he found himself capable of. However, despite that fear, he found himself craving for more destruction.

Francis stalled the trembling of his own hands as he felt terrified of his own son; his pride and joy. He stayed stiffly holding onto the boy until Xene was long gone. Shizu had fainted and was immediately taken to the medical unit.

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