Entry 1: Day One

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Entry 1: Day One

A solemn beauty watched as a silver haired boy ran his fingers across a crisp white page. She had been watching him do this for several hours now. This was her daily routine for going on close to three years. Her calculating eyes gazed at the boy's face, trying to figure out what he could be thinking. She knew full well that by the time she correctly guessed one thought, he would be thinking one thousand more things before she could start a conversation. Despite knowing this she spoke anyway.

"Frankie, we both know that you've read that same page two-thousand four hundred and seventy-three times in the past hour and a half. Why don't you flip the page already?"

The boy glanced up at her, an amused smirk kissing his lips. He pushed his newly acquired glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Actually, girl, I've read this page two-thousand four hundred and seventy-four times in the past hour and a half and fourteen seconds," the boy said matter of factly.

The girl rolled her eyes at him. She flipped him the bird, stuck her tongue out, stood and left. As she walked, her mind wondered to a hundred different places, and in every place the boy remained. She was tired of seeing his lonely expression and longed to see him flip through the pages of a good book once again. She knew that those days were long gone though. Her friend had begun to change after his loved one basically disappeared on him. The girl stopped walking once she reached the tall standing iron fence that kept her and the other cursed children locked in their own personal prison.

She peered through the bars, longing to be on the outside. She watched as a lone deer was joined by a second, continuing to watch as they froliced along together. She placed her hand onto the cold metal, letting it chill her finger tips.

"What's this? Little miss beauty isn't with her Prince in the courtyard today?" a manly voice inquired.

The girl looked back to see who was speaking to her. A tall burly teen stood behind her. His silver hair in a braid along his back. His bright blue eyes peered into hers and he smiled at her.

"Why the long face? It won't be too long now until-"

"Give it a rest already, Pheonix. You know just as well as I do that we will not be leaving this place."

The boy frowned at the girl.

"Shizuka, I know that Franken has been down ever since his friend abandoned him, but that doesn't mean you have to be down all the time too."

"Frankie's friend didn't abandon him. His friend is just unable to contact him. Frankie said that his friend would never abandon him, that his friend even risked his life to save Frankie!" Shizuka raised her voice at the boy, frantically yelling at him.

Phoenix raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"I see that you've been breaking some more rules; talking about your pasts together."

"He won't tell me everything, but what he does tell me I am grateful for."

"I say that you should both start living in the present, Shizu. Try to take better care of yourself, you're getting circles again."

After that statement the boy sauntered off without even glancing back in her direction. Shizuka raised a hand and touched the soft skin just beneath her eyes. It still surprised her to see how much perception people now had when observing her. It was just a few years ago that nobody cared to even give her a second glance. That all changed when Franken came and lifted her soul to life. He was the reason that she could be so free and happy now. It was ironic because it seemed like the essence of life she now had was stolen from his very being. She watched over the years as the light in his eyes vanished as hers began to shine. She was guilty and yet, she did not regret this.

The girl followed after the boy once he was no longer visible, returning to the courtyard of the compound. She was disappointed to find that Franken no longer sat where he once did. So she returned to her room, finding him laying on his bunk with an old, worn letter in his hands. She had seen Frankie read this letter many times over the last three years, but this was the first time that she had witnessed his tearful eyes. It even took him ten seconds to notice her presence when it usually only took five. He quickly rubbed the tears away, looking up at the girl as if he had not just been crying.

"Hello, girl, what have you been doing all of this time?" he asked, his voice a little scratchy and uneven.

Shizuka gave him a childish smirk, deciding to play it off as if she did not see his tears.

"It's only been an hour since I last saw you, and I thought I told you to stop calling me girl! I have a name and it is Shiz-"

Shizu began to speak roughly to the boy, pointing at him, but was cut off abruptly.

"I'm sorry, Shizu..."

Hakase gave the girl a sullen smile as his words came out much softer than before. Shizuka let her hand fall to her side, watching as the boy turned back to his letter. That was how the night ended; Shizu standing as Frankie showed a weakness she had never once seen before. Her heart ached for him.

A/N: Hey everyone, sorry I am so incompetent! Stein and Spirit have now been apart for 6+
years. Stein is 15, Spirit is 17, Ichigo is age 20 and Shizuka is age 13. Shizuka is very mature and smart beyond her years like all of the cursed children. She strongly resembles Stein himself, yet is kind like Spirit, an odd quality for a cursed child who has had a rough life.

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