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Marcus POV
There I was giving my editor another sample to look at for my article. All I wanted was a spot in the "Men in Jems" magazine. Just one.... of me... I didn't care about the article. Easy trade... an article for a spot.

Editor: Victoria

"Where's the rest"

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"Where's the rest"

"What do you mean? It's the story you have been waiting on... "Girl to woman"

"Marcus the piece is great, but you have to continue the story. When you were begging for this internship last summer wanting to model, I took you in.

"Yes and I'm great full , but I want my spot in the magazine. You got your story."

"But do I really?"
"What do you mean"

"I'm saying, what if I offered you half of the magazine"

"For what?"

"Keep going with the story. I mean a photoshoot of a geeky girl that just happens to get her first kiss by you and facing the relality of the real.... that's not enough. People would want more"

"This is my last year of high school, I don't have time to follow s girl around"

"Than don't. You got her bestfriend to make her face something she never experienced. You see the cards are in your hands"

"So you want me to play with her life"

"Your not playing with it. Simply exploring her horizon to becoming a woman. I mean she's 18, how long do you think it would take her without your help huh?"

"Just think about it. The offer will stand on the table for now but not forever. Your graduating this year ..... you could have your career in no time"


I left her office thinking of the impossible

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I left her office thinking of the impossible.
I don't know how I was gonna pull this Shit  off... but I know I had continue.

I had to find ways and ideas that wouldn't physically hurt El, but maybe emotionally.

I could only think of one event coming up......the fall dance. No not prom but the dance where everyone could come. Perfect time for my next plan. For this to work, I needed to be apart of the planning of the dance. So I called El.

Calling El....

El- hello?

Me- hey this is Marcus?

El- what's up

Me- I was wondering if me and you should help out with the fall dance?

El- I don't know Marcus.... I'm not usually the school spirit type.

Me- I'll be right with you the whole time no worries.

El- alright deal

Marcus- I'll pick you up. The committee has a meeting tonight.

El- okay.

As much as I knew this plan would probably back fire... I went with it anyway.
I pulled up to her house.

"Hey, thank you for this. I guess it could take my mind off of the video."

"I'm not gonna lie El, I wanted to spend some more time with you"


"You know why "

"Oh because I'm supposedly different"

"And the fact that your, yourself.

"That doesn't make me special... Just's means I'm El"

"And what's wrong with being El?"

"I'm an embarrassment, you don't wanna be seen hanging with someone like me"

"But I am. And I'm not changing that anything time soon"

When we got to the school and into the meeting... all I could do was stare at El.

I begin to think about her in a different way

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I begin to think about her in a different way.....

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I will be updating more often !
—xoxo ya girl A💋

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