The Deed

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I woke up to sweet kisses all down my back.....Then it hit me.....
I really had sex last night ?! I mean I'm not mad that it happen, I'm just surprised it was this soon, especially with Marcus. For all I know, he probably thinks I'm "easy" now.

"Good Morning Beautiful"

"Good morning to you too"

"You want any breakfast, coffee, I'll get it?"

"Yea I-"

That's when I remembered my parents have no idea where I'm at. Now only did I have sex but I didn't come home last night.

"Marcus , where's my phone?? My mom is probably worried sick!

"El it's taken care of.... she called this morning and I explained to her everything that happen. She seen the photos.

"Everything... that happen.... even in this bed....?"

"El no ( chuckles ), everything except what happen in this bed....the shower....the counter.. and all in between"

I covered my face with with sheets as if I was shy after last night.

"Have you every done it before?"
He laid beside me

"Sex? Once. But I never done what we did last night. It's like you were another person."

"Sorry if I came on too strong, it was my first time and I wanted to thank you-

"Wait El... thank me ?? So that was reward sex??"

"What I guess now u think I'm a slut??"

I got up and starred out the balcony, with nothing on but a sheet rapped around the front of my body.

"El that's not what I meant"

He came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I meant that, I don't want you thinking last night was a reward for me. It was passionate, sweet,
And sexy all in one"

I don't know if I was just imagining things but I swear I could feel his hard membrane against my ass

"So you don't think I'm easy?"

"No not at all. If anything... amazing"

I turned around giving him a passionate kiss. Whenever we touched in anyway, my senses were heighten everytime.

I know I had to go home at some point , but I didn't want to leave.... until his phone started ringing.

"Yo El... I know this bad timing, but my supervisor needs to see me.

I could tell she was mad I had to leave. But this was my job, one story, one truth, one spot in the magazine.

God knows I didn't want him to leave. Last night was more than I hoped for.

Before he left, he gave me a passionate kiss, while letting his fingers do all the work....until I was about to cum...and he stopped!

"Marcus noooo, keep...Uhuh...going"

"I wanna leave you wanting more"

I left her pissed, but craving me even more.

Xoxo— ya girl A 💋

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