XVI Annabeth

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Ok so I am posting. Obviously I am now going to try to post chapters every day or every other day because I really want to finish this before the real mark of Athena comes out. The chapters are most likely going to be short because I am writing o my iPod because my annoying little brother is always on the family computer watching his stupid x box videos. He is annoying. But whatever about him here is the next chapter.


It's been 4 days already and we have not encountered an monsters yet. It was weird. And Percy didn't talk to anybody and if he did it was only to brag or yell at someone. It wasn't like him at all, but then again I didn't think he would break up with me, so what do I know. We were passing through some ocean (AN I have no idea what ocean they would have to go through to get to Rome from San Francisco. I suck at geography even though I was in the geography bee based on luck I tell you) when I saw we were heading to an island. It was tropical and big. Percy had a smile on his face and was making the ship go faster towards the island. I had no idea why though, so I went to the rest of the seven who were siting in the lounge trying to stay away from Percy. I know they had a hard time with Percy acting like this too.

Percy with Frank and Hazel and Jason and Piper kept making fun of them for having girlfriends and made fun of Leo for not. He just ignored me completely. I was shop y I guess. He wouldnt hurt me anymore.

We finally pulled up against the beach. Percy jumped off the boat, so we followed. He started to walk to the tropical forward. Again we followed. We were sure he was lost because he was just walking in one direction then turning a couple minutes later. Finally we came up to a cave. It was fully furnished and looked very comfortable. Inside was a very pretty girl cleaning and signing. She finally turned around and looked at us, but she froze when she got to Percy. A smile broke onto her face. She smiled and jumped at him.

"Percy. You came back how?"

I was confused I never knew Percy came here. Actually I didn't know where we even were. I looked at the girl basically glaring at her. Even though Percy broke up with me I was still in love with him.

She finally looked at us and put out her hand,

"Hi I am Calypso."

I froze. Percy was at Calypso's island. But he never told me. But then again why would he. I was just a game to him.

Piper looked at me probably sensing all the messed up feeling's radiating off of me.

I stuck out my hand,

"Hi I am Annabeth."

Her smile faded, but then came back.

"Oh so you're Percy's girlfriend."

I faked a smile and said,


She looked down and blushed.


"It's fine," I reply.

"Ok then umm I am gonna make you guys some food. You look hungry. You guys can go explore the island. You can't get lost just head north when you wanna come back here," says Calypso sensing the awkwardness.

Everyone left except Percy. I headed out of the cave, but stood by the entrance to hear what they would say. I also put on my cap to make sure they don't see me.

"Why did you break up with her. You left this island for her. You loved her before. What happened?" asked Calypso.

Percy replied in disgust," It don't love her. Never did it was a joke. I only left because I had to. Not for her for the world."

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