XIV Percy

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I looked up and saw Kronos. His body was of a mans. I have no ideas who, but all I saw were his eyes. The golded eyes. They reminded me of Luke's. And Annabeth. wow everything reminde me of her. I looked back at Kronos confused. He shouldn't have been able to come back. He laughed at my confusion and I hardened my expression.

"Oh, that stupid wolf stare won't do anything here. That stupid Lupa can't do anything to protect you then and now," he sneered.

I growled. Even though I only spent about two months with her you become protective. Of course she wouldn't need protection.

"Quit your growling, I have some.... things that want to meet you," he says with an evil smile. But then again he is evil.

He opens the door and he leads me out and to another door. He has gaurds tie bands around my wrists. He unlocks it with a wave of his hand. The door  starts crumbling like pastries. He walks through the door and beakons me to follow. He calls up to soliders. To stand in back of me. They contiue to poke me in the back hard. So hard that I can feel the blood falling down my back. I wince every time and they laugh. Kronos does too.

Finally Kronos comes to another door made of dirt. He waves his hand again and it crumples. I cam't tell if there is a sensor or Geae gave him some new powers. When he stepp through the door I immediantly reconizes the place we were.

The Underworld.

I heard the groans of pain coming from the left. To the right I heard the roaring of the river. The River Styx. I wondered what we were doing here until he beackons me forward. He cut the chains off my wrists slicing my arms while doing so. I scowl at him and rub my arms.

"Now we brought you here for a reason."

"Obviously," I said sarcastically," Why is what I want to know."

He smirked, "Geae wants you to take another dip in the river."

"No way. I..."

He cut me off before continuing.

"Now listen she is doing this because she likes you. Now I know why would she like you. Well she wants you to get to Rome, but that doesn't mean she won't cause drama. She just wants the final show down to be in Rome. She wants you to dip in the river because she is going to let you go, but you have to face hords of monsters. She wants you strong, so go in if not I have other ways to pursuade you to make you want to leave." He smirked.

"Oh yeah like what," I say I am not doing this no matter what.

He smiles like he is happy I said that.

"He raises his hand and an image appears. It was Annabeth she was crying with Piper, and they were talking. Piper convinced Annabeth to come and talk to me. I was so happy she was coming to see me, but then I remembered I wasn't there. I got confused untill I saw me. Well not me, but a fake me. He yelled at Annabeth. And I saw red. I would never say anythig like that to her. Then she started to cry and ran away. The fake me smiled and looked at the ground moments later the ground rummbled. Int the video and here. Out of the celing the fake me fell and landed next to Kronos.

"I am done what you asked, master Kronos," fake me said.

He turned to me and looked at me in disgust. I was confused he looked exactlly like me and he thought I was disgusting. Weird-o.

"Good," Kronos replied," Now finish your job."

Fake me nodded and disapperared again.

"What was his job?" I asked.

"To make Annabeth hate you even more."

I glared at him, but he laughed. He laughed hard. In front of me. I started to think. Which doesn't happen often. I need  to get out of here and help the other seven. I looked back at him and said, "Fine."

He stopped laughing and said," Hope your strong enough kid. We won't be back just go that way, and fight like hell."

I turned around and jumped in. It was worse than last time. I felt like I was dying and just wanted to fade away, but I stayed strong I need to do this for Annabeth. I thought of her. Her smile, her eyes, the way she makes me feel inside. I kept think and pretty soon I was out of the river on the river bank. I felt the same, but different. It was going to take a while to get use to this again. I turned around and started to head down the way Kronos pointed me to.

This is going to take a while.

I hope Annabeth is okay.


 Hi. So yeah. I posted the story obviously and I just wanted to say thanks. This story has gotten almost 1,000 reads already I am amazed. And happy.

So I am going to be posting a one direction fan fiction too so watch out for that, but I think I am going to write like 10 chapters before I start putting it up and stuff.

I know not a lot of people like when peolpe do this so i will just test it out, but I want to try and get 8 comments and 10 votes. And i know that many people read this because there is more than like 40 reads on each chapter, so just try. I might just forget about and post though.

So here is what you guys were waiting for. The big uncliffhanger. Lets just hope Percy makes it because if you didn't know I write this as I go and if you didn't now you do. So thanks again.





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