I Annabeth

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I Annabeth

Annabeth was feeling more excited than usual. On most days she felt sad and nervous, due to the fact that she hadn't seen Percy in what seemed like forever, but today was the day they were going to land in the roman camp, Camp Jupiter. To keep her mind off her boyfriend, she read her favorite architecture book.

After reading a few pages of her book she got bored and agitated, which usually never happens while she reads. She stood up and walked to the top deck where Piper was staring into the distance.

"Hey, Piper," Annabeth said capturing Piper's attention.

"Oh, hey Annabeth. Are you okay?" Piper asked.

Annabeth couldn't blame her. Whenever she came onto the top deck it was for a monster or a quest confrence. To see her out here doing neither means something was up.

Annabeth replied quickly, "Nothing I'm just anxious, but what about you?"

Piper looked down and replied, "Yeah I guess. It's just what if Jason already has a girlfriend, and then he forgets about me. And Leo, Leo would be heartbroken if he forgets about us. They have become so close."

Piper started to break down. Annabeth wrapped her arms around Piper and bagen to calm her down.

"Hey, listen. I know how you feel. I know I tell you guys this almost every day, but I think about it every day asking myself why do I deserve him, he can get a new girlfriend, he probably does and it brings me down makes me feel weak and useless. The only way to get over it is believe he will choose you. And if he doesn't choose you well then you have me and Leo and all the other Half-bloods you have met to comfort you. You are Aphrodite's daughter if you lose Jason you can have any other boy."

Piper looked up and smiled.

"But I don't want any other boys," Piper looked at Annabeth with watery eyes.

"And he doesn't want any other girl. I've seen how he looks at you. He really likes you, Piper."

They gave each other a quick hug and looked ahead. After a few minutes Leo's voice came out of the speakers around the ship.

"Hello demigods we are going to be landing the ship in the Roman territory so head to the top deck and try not to get hit by spears. Have a great day."

Jason came up from below deck and Leo came shortly after.

"How are you flying the ship?" asked Piper.

Leo answered shaking a wii remote, "Autopilot, Beauty Queen."

"Don't call me Beauty Queen, Repair Boy."

Jason stopped their argument with a question, "Leo, did you send the message?"

"Yeah a couple minutes ago. We should be able to land safely if Percy is there and they got the message."

Piper slapped Leo in the arm and looked at Annabeth who was staring at the camp in awe.

As the other demigods came to the edge to look, the ship lurched and started to fall out of the sky. Leo started making his way to the control room while talking to Festus through his ear piece. Annabeth yelled to Jason to control the winds. The ship started too even out, but they were still dropping at an alarming rate. Annabeth stood up and looked over the edge and saw the romans standing there looking at the ship in horror. Annabeth turned around and yelled for Leo to hurry up. She felt the ship steady, but she slipped and fell off the ship. As she was falling she saw under the ship a hand, made of water. Percy, she thought, but then she remembered that she was falling. She saw another stream of water come at her and she landed on it. She and the ship slowly made their way to the ground.

She looked around and saw about 200 romans with their weapons drawn pointing at her. Her hand automatically goes to her sword. She looks through the crowd trying to find Percy, but doesn't succeed. The others come down from the ship and stand next to her. When the crowd saw Jason, they gasped. From the back the crowd parted. A girl with dark hair and a purple robe came in the front. When her eyes landed on Jason and she froze.

"J-Jason?" she asks.

"Hey Reyna, guys I'm back. I was told there was a Percy Jackson here. Is he here?"

The crowd parted again and Percy came through with his arm around two people. The one on the right was a girl with brown girly hair and hazel eyes. On the right was a tall boy with a buzz cut. His muscular body clashed horribly with his baby face. They walked forward and Percy went by Reyna's side.

"Hi. I'm Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon."

"Hello I'm Reyna, daughter of Bellona."

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena," she said quietly.

Piper sent her a quick glance and then introduced herself, "Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite."

"And I am Leo, son of Hephaestus."

Percy turned around quickly and yelled, "Romans back to training and duties. Hazel, Frank, you guys stay."

Annabeth turned around and signaled for the rest of the people to come down. Thalia Daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of the hunters of Artemis, and the head counselors came down. They quickly introduced themselves. Percy then walked up to Annabeth. Annabeth's breath caught in her throat and she looked up. When did he get so tall she asked herself? She felt fear creep in. He took her chin and whispered, "I missed you wise girl."

I do not own Percy Jackson or anything like that it all belongs to Rick Riordan.

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