IV Percy

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When I landed, it was completely dark out. Everyone must have gone to bed. I walked to the ship and climbed up. I was walking through the ship when Piper opened her door. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and I placed my hand over her mouth.

"Please be quiet I just want to see Annabeth," I begged.

She nodded her head and pointed to a door at the end of the hall. The door before hers had my name on it. I opened the door and saw a king bed with a sea blue bed sheet and pillows. The walls were moving waves with underwater sea creatures. There was a desk in the corner with a bunch of maps. The closet was on the other side of the room. There were shelves on the wall with pictures of me and my friends and Annabeth. I closed the door and walked down to the end of the hallway. I opened the door slowly to see Annabeth looking at a picture of me and her on the day before Hera took me.

"Whoever you are go away," she sobbed.

I quickly walked over to her and hugged her. She turned around ready to yell in my face when she saw it was me. She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed.

"Percy. I thought you left me again. You just popped in the ground and were gone," I soothed her while she continued," I thought Gaea took you and then you popped back up and were gone again. Where did you go?"

I opened my mouth to tell her but the gods were already in my head.

'You cannot do that.' said Hermes.

I closed my mouth not sure what to say.

'Then what should I say?' I argued.

Annabeth looked up waiting for an answer.

Immediately I said," Gaea pulled me down to have the usual talk about her winning and us losing then the gods asked me about it," I spit out quickly.

'Good job. That was a good lie.' said Hermes.

'Not good enough.' said Athena.

"Stop lying to me Percy. Tell me the truth."

I didn't like lying to her, but I couldn't tell the truth.

I looked down and then up at Annabeth.

"She showed me you."

Annabeth nodded wanting me to go on. I looked down and continued.

"She knows you're my one weakness Annabeth. The one thing I can't lose. If she had you I would give up everything she showed me you dying right in front of me, but I couldn't move."

The lie rambled off my tongue without me thinking. Even the gods were listening.

"She kept saying this is what would happen. Then... then she showed me you.... you and Luke laughing at me. She said that you choose a life with him over me. Annabeth I know you wouldn't do it, but she showed it. I was so close to believing it, but then the gods pulled me out of the ground."

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

She was silent.

The gods were silent, but then Hermes said, 'That was.... Wow a really good lie.'

'How dare you say that to my daughter if even if it did happen you would not have cared," said Athena.

I snapped back at her. 'That has happened not while I was in the ground, but during dreams that is why it was so convincing. And I do care about her. I love her, so be quiet.'

The gods were silent as I thought over my word. I said I loved her. Did I mean it? Of course I meant it.

Athena broke the silence first. 'You love her.'

'Yes,' was my simple reply.

I looked back at Annabeth. She was staring at the ground.

"Please say something Annabeth."

"Why?" she asked.

I gave her a confused glance.

"Why do you think I would choose Luke over you," she started to yell," I choose you Percy. I love you. Why do you still think I like Luke?"

I froze. She said she loved me. She stood up and walked to the door.

"Get out."

"What," I said in disbelief.

"Get out," she repeated.

"What why?" I started to question.

"Get OUT."

"Annabeth please don't make me leave. I love you too really. I am sorry I thought you would go to Luke. Ple-"

She cut my pleads short my taking out her dagger and pointing it at me.

"Get out before I make you."

I am pretty sure it was evident on my face how sad I was. I walked out the door and she slammed it in my face. Tears started to poor down my face.

'Are you okay' Poseidon asked me.

'How could I be okay when my girlfriend practically broke up with me'

I slowly made my way to my room. I fell onto my bed.

'Don't worry,' said Aphrodite, 'She still loves you. She just needs time.'

'How much because I don't know how long I can live without her,' I cried.

'Awww so cute. Young love.'

'Can you guys please leave me alone for a while I want to be alone.'

The gods left my head and I fell into a peaceful sleep.


I do not own Mark of Athena or Percy Jackson or any of the characters.

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