"You mean you touched this thing? And you disobeyed your father's orders of remaining up in the clouds within the protected region?" the guardian spoke sternly, now eyeing the child in displeasure.

"He's not even bloody here. How would he know if I flew down here for a few minutes?" she argued back. "Also, it's not a thing but one of us."

"You're a foolish child," the guardian spat before grabbing her hand and pulling her upwards.

"No!" the child screamed as she kicked the guardian in his waist line, causing her to fall to the ground with a heavy thud.

The children that were there before them simply stood there in silence, watching the fight progress, not bothered to do anything to help either side. They could not do something they were not told to do.

"What is happening here?" a voice boomed throughout the area, just like the thunder did earlier.

Looking up into the skies, both guardian and child saw wisps of black whizz down from the clouds to the ground, slowly taking form of a man. As the figure solidified, the dust was shaken off and underneath was a man dressed in pitch black robes which were lined with red and grey; his hair a silver-grey; his irises off-white with grey pupils.

"Oh, excuse me sir," the guardian quickly apologised as he stood up quickly onto his feet, dusting off the dirt that fell on him.

"Hello, father," the girl greeted sourly, her face which was filled with anger now filled upset and sadness.

"What's the matter dear?" the man asked in a rather fatherly voice as he knelt down to her level.

The girl then begin to explain what had happened and what the guardian had done.

It didn't take long before the love-filled eyes turned stone cold as the man switched his gaze from his daughter to the guardian who stood guiltily at the both of them.

"If I ever hear of anything like this or of you even touching my daughter, you will be relieved of your duties."

When the man spoke, the guardian immediately understood what he meant and panicked slightly as he did not know what to do next. Seeing that the children were still there, watching the whole thing happen, he quickly escorted them back to their homes.

The man then turned back to his daughter, his expression now softening drastically as he noticed that she had tears in her eyes.

"I know you're upset that I've not been there for you but I promise you that one day I'll always be here for you," he spoke to her calmly, gently wiping away the tears on her face.

A slight smile formed on her lips as she looked back at her father, just like a happy child would with their parent. Just then did she remember of the boy that was unconscious beside them.

"Father? What do we do about the boy?" she asked

"Hm," the man hummed as he observed the unconscious child.

Something dawned him as he looked at the markings on the child's hands and a carefully as he could, he picked him up and started to make his way back to their home, beckoning his daughter to follow quickly as he sensed the villagers beginning to poke their heads out of their little houses.

When they had reached their home, a castle within the clouds in the sky that was not visible to the human eye, he called out to one of his servants. In came rushing one whom almost stumbled onto the carpet as he had not noticed the lump on the carpet. The little girl giggled whereas the man kept a straight face, like he had not seen what had happened.

"Kean, I'd like you to hand this child to Marx and tell him that I'll be coming to his room in a little while to explain things," the man ordered as he carefully handed the kid over to the servant.

"Very well sir," the servant named Kean answered obediently before turning around and walking away with the child in his arms, this time more careful than he was before.

"Daddy? What's going to happen to him?" the little girl asked her father, making him kneel down to her level just so he could face her properly.

With a smile and half hug, he pulled her close to him while asking, "Farrow, how would you like a friend to play with?"

- Flashback end -

"That's all I can really explain right now," Farrow explained as she looked down at her feet which were one on top of the other, trying to keep the other one warm fro the cold stone floor.

I didn't know what to make of this. What I knew about my past was a lie, or was it the truth?

She claimed to know me since I was a child but I don't remember anything about the place she spoke about or the story she told me.

I need to find out more about my past, about her,..

About everything...

A/N: If I have time, I'll work on the next chapter tomorrow and I'll continue this chapter's plot/idea and move on to Ian's POV so that we know what's happening...

Thanks for reading!

~ Sorrows

Brotherly Love (SSundee X Derp SSundee)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora