Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: So, yeah... I think the feelings should end soon because I feel like the story is being draggy and confusing for some...

"We're not going to die, Ian" Adrian spoke up a little as he came closer to me.

Grabbing me by the shoulders, he shook me with a strength not too hard but of which made me finally come back to my senses. We can't die and we mustn't for it would prove tragic as we would be trapped here in this dimension for all eternity. Getting myself back together, I shook his grip off and stood up straighter than I did before and once again snuck over to the door. Listening, I heard not a sound nor a whisper from outside. Hesitantly, I opened the door ever so slightly to check whether the coast was clear.

When I was sure that no one was around, I signalled for Adrian to come over and before we know it, the both of us were sprinting down the road of a deserted and seemingly haunting village. Not a villager in sight, not a living soul to be seen. It's almost as if everything in this world had died off while we were planning our escape. I saw something bright in the sky falling towards the ground which created a beacon-like lighting. Immediately in my mind, I had decided that that was where we'll be heading and that's where our exit would be.

"Ian, did you see that?" I heard Adrian shout from behind me.

"Yeah! And that's where we're going," I replied hastily.

We quickened our pace as the day turned to night rather quickly. As we ran past the many trees and across the field, the land became much more scarce and empty of its resources making it seem like the world is slowly deteriorating away. This was saddening but I could not spare any time to process these feelings as the light from the source was starting to fade.

"Come on, Adrian!" I called out with one final burst of speed.

Within a matter of minutes, we had finally reached the source but what we were met with was trully a horrific sight. Hooded figures stood stooped over an altar which contained a crimson liquid which was tainted black. Shining white grins shone from under the hoods, almost blinding us in the process.

"Is it ready Fai?" the taller one spoke.

"Yes, now all we need are the sacrifices," the spoke the shorter figure.

The one whom I assumed was named Fai begin to walk in our direction towards the woods. Panicking, the both of us tried our very best to sneak away. It was all going well until one of us stepped on a twig causing it to snapped into half with a loud crack. Suddenly, everything stopped moving. Even the air felt too still to even breathe in.

"They're here," a demonic voice spoke out from no where.

Suddenly, everything around us turned black and red as I saw all three figures rushing towards us.

"RUN!" I shouted in fear.

I was never the brave one so when faced with a fight or flight situation, flight is always my choice in said situation. The were chasing us, catching up with every step we took running. The sick metallic scent of blood filled the air around us making it harder to breathe. My body started aching as I had realised how much running we've done. Just before I could give up running and accept my fate, I saw the shining light of the door that would lead us back to safety.

Hope filled my mind once more as I forced myself to carry forward and run towards the door. Ian saw me running towards it and followed my lead. I saw something fly out from beside me, it was a a knife being held by one of the demonic figures.

"Come back here, we only want to love you," it spoke, adding a deadly snarl at the end.

"Quick! Ian! Run ahead!" I said as I shoved him further ahead of me so that he could escape them first.

"No wait! I'm not-" he began to protest, slowing down slightly.

"Just shut the hell up for once and run!" I snapped angrily at him.

He looked rather taken aback by my sudden aggravation and did not attempt to argue any further. As soon as we were close to the door that was once distant from us, the demonic figures approached us in a much more raging manner than they've had before. Sound of whispers and incantations given out by each one of them as they slowly took over the land, leaving the area in a dead state.

Time was of utmost importance as the light from the door started fading away much more quicker than it had before. I couldn't risk these creatures capturing us and killing us for our crimson liquid that held life for their ungodly ritual.

I had to think fast of what I had to do at the moment or we'd both be at the hands of those demons. It was now or never.

"Ian," I called out after him.

He turned around to face me and I saw the look of terror that spread across his face as I started to slow my pace.

I saw him mouth the word 'no' in disbelief as he stopped running. I knew that he was about to run back to save me but with whatever power I could muster, I sent him flying through the door.

With that, I was left to deal with the evils that now overrule what was once such a beautiful feeling.

"Yes," they hissed around me, grinning their razor sharp teeth so widely, it seemed like their face were almost about to be torn off.

Cracking my neck and knuckles, a smirk formed on my lips as I slowly felt the heat and light feeling return to my body. I was once again becoming the empowering being that I was once meant to be.

"Bring it on," I greeted them with open arms.

All three of them flew towards me at once with their choice of weapons in hand.

Fight or flight?

A/N: I now feel like this story makes no sense... What do you think? :/

Thanks for reading!

~ Sorrows

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