Roses in May.

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It is time for the bloom.

The growth.

The awakening of life

that hid itself from

the dead cold. Time for

the Sun and its children to bless

the landscape and cover the

Earth in color.

In flowers.

In roses.

       I wish that I could hide.

I carry one with me

year round, you know. Throughout

autumn and the winter. It stays

in my chest. A little seedling that waits

until the perfect time to sprout.

It loves the month of May.

The stem grows first, thorns pricking

my heart.

Then the bulb. The rose is in

full bloom around Mother's day.

      I wish that I was immune.

My chest is burst open; I am exposed.

To the reminder of what I didn't have.

What I lost. I wish

this rose, and its thorns,

Didn't still hurt the way it did

when it was planted. No matter how many

Mays come around, this rose

never fails to grow for you.

And I allow it, because the

fear of letting you go is

much more painful.

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