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The wonders of childhood imagination

led me to desiring superpowers.

And what a thrill it would have been?

To have been able to read the minds

of friends or foes; or have the ability

to fly away when life on the ground

was too much to handle. Soon did I

realize that I'd already been born

with the power of invisibility.

I'd been able to blend into the background

noise of life and go completely unnoticed;

I'd been able to walk in and out of a room without

anyone batting an eye, without anyone

missing my presence.

Like many superheroes before me,

I realized that this gift was truly a burden.

Imagine: having tears that go ignored so long

that eventually, you learn not to cry-

to not acknowledge that you're hurt.

Imagine: being stabbed and not having anyone notice

you bleeding out onto the sidewalk;

dying all the while, those around you

walk on by with your blood clinging to

the bottom of their shoes as if you aren't

in need of resuscitation, or hope,

or at least a hand to hold onto

to ease the pain.

How insensitive of me to roll my eyes and scoff

whenever a superhero would cry

about their abilities being a curse?

I've been given no choice but to concur:

superpowers are overrated.

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