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jimin's actions of being disloyal only continued the next day. he avoided the younger that morning and made breakfast for yoongi and him. jungkook frowned. usually jimin only made breakfast for them.

since jungkook awoke before seokjin, he wandered the house. he didn't know what to do. usually he would be with jimin but now, the older was with yoongi. hoseok was already on his daily jog with some friends, jungkook remembered their names being something like jackson and youngjae. namjoon and seokjin were still cuddling in bed.

what about taehyung.... jungkook thought. he poured himself some apple juice before taking a big gulp from it. holding the drink in his hand, he walked to taehyung's room.

just as he was about to knock on the door, it swung open. there stood a sick looking taehyung. he had blood at the corner of his mouth and pale skin. something bloody was clutched in his hand as well.

"j-jungkook?" taehyung asked shocked, backing up from how close they were.

"h-hi tae...uh did you just wake up?" taehyung shook his head. "oh uh....are you okay?"

taehyung nodded vigorously. "y-yeah! yeah im okay don't w-worry!"

but jungkook knew taehyung well enough to know he was lying. "you're lying." he said to the older. taehyung gulped but said nothing. jungkook's hand lifted up towards taehyung's mouth and wiped off the blood.

"why is there blood near your mouth? are you bleeding? what's wrong tae why won't you tell me!"

"it's nothing kookie i said to not worry. i'm just sick that's all."

jungkook sighed. "wanna hangout at least?"

taehyung's eyes widened in shock as he felt his heart beat a bit faster. "s-sure let me just go talk to seokjin hyung."

"he's sleeping."

"o-oh..." taehyung appeared to be thinking while looking down. "sorry kook can you give me a minute? i gotta see yoongi."

jungkook sighed and nodded. he walked with tae to yoongi's door as they knocked on it. they heard shuffling from inside as yoongi opened the door. he looked tired but surprisingly, less cranky than usual.

"h-hey guys? what are you both doing?"

"i needed to speak with you hyung," taehyung whispered.

yoongi's eyes widened and he nodded while jungkook stared in confusion. "hey wait..what's in your hand tae?" jungkook asked and grabbed tae's closed hand.

he looked at it and tried opening taehyung's fist but the older put all his strength to keep it closed. "hyung what are you hiding?"

yoongi stepped in and removed jungkook's hand from taehyung's. "hey kook don't worry about it okay? we'll explain later some day. how about y-you hangout with j-jimin?" yoongi nervously offered.

jungkook gave him a sad but mad look and said, "isn't he hanging out with you hyung?"

yoongi gulped but nodded, looking down. "yes he is but only b-because-,"

"save it hyung i don't need your excuses anyways. just talk to tae please i wanna hangout with him."

yoongi looked at taehyung and smiled at the boy with hope in his eyes. taehyung stared back with the same look causing jungkook to only be more confused. he waited outside the door as the two boys talked, wondering where jimin was.

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