Secret iii.

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"Hello?" Michael had gotten a phone call, having woken up before Luke.

"Um, hi. I'm looking for Luke Hemmings? This is Matilda Newts." Michael not only recognised the voice, but the name as well. He thought back, and to his pure hatred he remembered where he remembered her from.

"Matilda. It's Michael."

"Matilda? As in, Matilda Newts?" Luke overheard Michael on the phone and walked hesitantly into the room. Michael bit down on his lip and nodded, offering the phone for Luke's taking.

"Hey, Matilda. Uhh.. how are you?"

"Not so great, Luke." she sighed. Luke furrowed his eyebrows and thought back to when they broke up. Oh.

"Look, Matilda. I know I didn't break up with you in the best way but-"

"Luke, don't be ridiculous!" Matilda nervously laughed, scratching on the back of her neck (Of course, Luke didn't know). "I wanted to ask you if your remember when we.. had sex.."

"Yeah..." by now, Luke was silently panicking. What was to happen? Where was Matilda taking this?

"Well.." she hesitated, her breath was shaky and she didn't know how to tell Luke this without breaking down. Because she was almost positive that he had found a new girlfriend, or boyfriend. "You might of sorta got me pregnant.."

And in that moment, everything became a blur. He turned and looked at Michael, who curtly asked if he was okay. But as the colour drained from Luke's face, Michael knew something was wrong. No! I can't be a father! Not to a girl anyway!

And in mere seconds, luke couldn't breathe. He panicked and dropped the phone, shortly after falling with it.


"Come on, Luke. Come on..." in the white room of Black Town hospital, Michael rested his head on Luke's bed. Now, it may seem like an extreme to send Luke to a hospital just because of a mere faint. But as he fell he bumped the table, and his mind was scattered. He wouldn't wake up and for three days straight, Michael sat in his hospital room with Luke's hand in his.

"Baby, come on. I know I don't deserve for you to wake up, but please. I love you too much."

And still, Luke stayed silent in his bed. He didn't move, he didn't speak. He only breathed. And Michael took it as a sign. He was oblivious to the fact that Luke could potentially not wake up. But he was desperate for anything other than that.

He loved Luke too much to give up.

Wow that escalated quickly


Confess » MukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora