Before the Duelling Club

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«Focus! Focus on your happiest memory!» Prof. Akagami uttered as the false Dementor flew around the classroom.

All the students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin were standing, wands unsheathed, ready to ward off against the boggart.

«That's payback, bitch!» Ace yelled when a sprout of silver sparkles finally erupted from his wand and the ghost headed away.

It floated towards Slytherin's side, but Killer jumped forward and engaged it first.

«Expecto patronus!»

New silver flames appeared, pushing the false Dementor farther.

You caught Kid pouting at his friend's back with the corner of your eye.

It soon became obvious that the ghost was mostly attracted to Vinsmoke Sanji and Kid. Even if they both managed to stand up to it this time, they weren't able to form the outline of a Patronus yet.

You were also having your problems, but when the boggart targeted you, you and Perona joined you charms and successfully sent it away.

«Accio boggart» Shanks finally chanted, pulling the creature back in its box.

You all let out a breath and sat at your desks.

«Very good class, very good. I saw some nice improvement there.» he grinned, giving you a thumb up «Don't feel frustrated. The ability to form a Patronus has nothing to do with your inner talent, it's more linked to your past. As I said before, you have to find a powerful memory.»

You heard Kid's half-grumble from your seat.

«Yeah, that's easy for you to say, douchebag.»

«Alright, class is dismissed! I hope to see you all tonight at the Duelling Tournament, and good luck to the contestants!»

«Ugh.» you muttered, standing up and putting your book back in your bag.

«Why don't you just call it off?» Perona sighed, following the flow out of the room.

«And being called the coward of Slytherin? No thanks. Plus, it's not like I'm going against Katakuri or anything.»

«Yeah, Y/n!» Ginrummy jumped in from behind «You can totally take down Trafalgar's lackey!»

«Hey, no pressure.» you huffed «I'll do my best. We'll see how it goes.»

«Wow, you're cranky today.»

You glared at your friends, but Killer waved at you.

«Y/n! Are you coming to Theory of Magic?»

«Yeah, sure.»

With a quick greet to the girls, you reached him and joined him across the various flight of stairs.

The elective class was all the way across the castle, and the stairs weren't collaborative that morning.

When you reached the last flight for the sixth floor, you noticed it was just swinging from side to side endlessly, with a bunch of students stuck at the end. After a better look, you recognized they were all people supposed to take the class with you.

Most of them were from Ravenclaw, and they shot devious glances when you arrived.

With the Duelling Club tournament approaching, the rivalry between Houses was pretty much igniting.

«So... are we going to miss this class or what?» you shrugged with a careless smile, trying to cut the tension.

Shachi and Penguin sharpened their eyes at you, but Tashigi gasped.

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