Hogwarts everyday life

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«I'll see you at dinner.» Reiju said, touching your arm, before turning and heading to Ravenclaw's chambers.

You waved at her and took the stairs to the dungeons.

The castle was swarming with students, cheering, talking to each other and hurrying to their elective classes, all in their long black uniforms.

«Oho, look whom we have here!»

You raised an eyebrow and looked up.

Bellamy was descending the stairs, hands in his pockets and tongue hanging between his teeth, as typical.

«Ugh, Hyena, I don't feel like dealing with you now.»

The Hufflepuff student flashed you his sly smirk, leaning against the railing.

«Wait, wait, little troublemaker.»

You groaned, stopping.

«What do you want?»

«Are you being the deceiver everyone says?»

You frowned, shooting him a death glare.

«I beg your pardon?»

«Yeah, like you said you wouldn't take part in the Duelling Club, but there you are. Is it the same for the Triwizard Tournament?»

A surge of rage made you shiver, but you grit your teeth.

«Mind your own business, Bellamy.»

«Oh, you got nothing to say?»

You turned to hiss him some insults, but a small group coming down the stairs brusquely bumped into him.

Bellamy cursed and grasped the railing not to fall.

«Who the fuck–»

«Oh, Hyena, I didn't see you there.»

The Hufflepuff stopped in front of the Slytherin redhead deadpanning down at him.

«Eustass.» he spat in contempt «Are you trying to pick up a fight with your senior?»

«Are you trying to pick up a fight with Slytherin, Bellamy?» Killer asked, startling him.

He had rapidly passed him and positioned behind him, blocking him between him and Kid. Heat and Wire crossed their arms nearby.

Bellamy's gaze bounced from one student to the other.

«Cool down, Hyena, for your own good.» Kid smirked «I'll see you on the ring of the Duelling Club, senior.»

The blond Hufflepuff grunted, shoving his hands back in his pockets.

«You betcha.» he grumbled «Fucking Slytherin.»

He walked around Killer, avoiding his sharp glare, and headed away.

You sighed.

«Thanks, guys. I'm getting real sick of all these people harassing me to take part to this or that.»

Kid snickered as the group joined you down the stairs and toward the dungeons. Killer patted your shoulder.

«You are not the only one, Y/n. I heard during Divination there was a serious quarrel involving Basil, Jewelry and Cavendish. The twins are planning to take out Trafalgar real soon, and looks like Weevil clashed against Monkey D. Luffy early this morning.»

«Ugh. It's only day three and things are getting out of control, aren't they?»

«Feathered Serpent» Wire recited to make the painting of the 5 Gorosei open the path to Slytherin chambers.

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