new bikiini

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here is a new bikini arthur said as he handed me gucci channel louis-button bag with a custom made kawai bikini for me, "its because the one youre wearing now is covering in old dried blood and thats gross"

"WHAT!!?!?!!!1/1/!?!??!?!"?1??! BUT IM NOT ON MY PERIOD!!!!!!!!"!!!!!"!"!! I SHOUTED red faced.

he started hollaring and laughing so hard that he collapsed on the floor and cried because he was laughing so much at me, "NO!!! its blood from when japan killed you before, silly!!!!"

my face went hotter as i remembered and got ptsd from the event "oh right.. well i will go change into this new bikini that is gucci channel louis- button custom made kawai for me, thank you arthur-sana!" i smiled as i ran up to my room to change into a cuter bikini that was much prettier than the last one.

when i walked outside to show arhtur kun he was blushing so hard that his face went purple as he gasped for air it looked like he was sufforcating from looking at me being so cute for him.

"THATS ADORABLE!" he shouted at me forcefully but then there was a loud bang in the other room.

He looked away, his face suddenly cast with a look of annoyance. He kept his gaze away but furrowed his brows for a split second. Had I not been paying him any attention, I wouldn't have seen the frustration in his look.
His face twisted, contorted into a forced smile as he turned to look back at me, "You do look very, very lovely, Reader -- but give me just a second, I should check on that."
I nodded slowly as I watched him disappear around the corner with a look so grim that though I was curious to follow, I dared not do so.
I feigned ignorance but stood in place as I awaited his return.
It was a dreadful seven minutes before he finally came back up.
The glint of light I saw in his eyes was gone, his demeanor dark, but as his emerald eyes found their way towards me, he tilted his head to the side slightly and smiled.
There was nothing normal about his behavior, and yet his smile was ever so relaxed. Ever so reversed.

 "ENGLAND-KUN! I MISSED YOU!!!" I blushed as he came closer, I jumped into his arms and his face went red too, "Now!!" he cheered hapily, "lets go to dinner to get something very yummy to eat okay, _____?! " and I blushed evern harder as i nodded happily "YASSS!!" and he grabbed my hand and we both began blushing as we headed outside to his dark blue cool car!!!!

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