Meeting the countries!!!

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i gaspped at what japan sad. I was the earth?! theres no way! whoe ver was the earth would have to be super special and I wasnt special at all. sure, there was that bright light when i pulled the door open but that was just a coincidnece!! i tilted my head to the side slightly and looked at the kawaii guy. "but how am i the earth? im just a normal girl!" i asked, tilting my head to the side to show how confused i was. A pink tint rose on his cheeks as he looked at me and i swrear i heard him mummble "kawaii" he mummbled but i must have heard him wrong. I am NOT cute. Italy is kawaii. romano is s u p e r kawaii. But not me.

(A/N yui-chan: no! ur super kawaii!! why do you think their all yandere for you lol? lime-senapi: remember!! not all of them are yandere!! just some lol)

before I could say that i was definetely not kawaii, japan grabbed my wrist and started pulling me down the hallway! "where are we going?" i asked japan, a blush rising on my cheeks as i saw that hE was grabbing my wrist. he was grabbbing my wrist!! no guy had even bean this close to me before and it was too much four me to handle... "we are going to the worrd meeting." japan said. his ls sounds like rs but i think its super cute!! japan kept pulling my wrist as we went out of the hotel and there was a huge limio waitting for use! i gasped at the limo. id never been in over before! Japan grabbed the doro and held it open e for me . I blush, he was such a gentleman!! i smled at him "thank you, japan!" i said, giggling as a blush rose on his cheeks. "konichiwa" he said backm. I knew hat meant your welcome in japanese because I watched anime alot at home. Japan got in the limo after me and told the driver to go tot eh world meeting. this is all happening so fast! i cant wait to meet all of the countries

time skip by flying mint bunny (lime-senapi: my bestest friend xD)

japan lead me into a SUPER big building with lots of window and room. "this is where the world meeting is." he said, quickly walking in with a blush on his face. i heard shouting behind the door and suddenly felt scared. what if they didnt like me? what if they hated me!! i shook my head. no (y/n)! your the earth! theyll love you! they have too! i nodded with determination and pushed opent he door. the whole room went silent.

"HEY LOOK! A HOT DUDETTE IN A BIKINI!" a hot guy with glasses said, pointing at me. suddeny everyone looked at me and my face felt very hot. i was blushing so hard! i looked down and gsaped as i saw that i as stillw earing the bikini i had on when i was with the suepr cute italians! what am i going to do?!


oh  no!! youre stuck in a room full of yanderes in a bikini! what are you going to do???

yui-chan: i know what i would do-

lime-senpai: NO YUI-CHAN! *hits yui-chan with bible* KEEP IT IN THE LEMON BOOK

yui-chan: ugh, fineeeeeeeeeeee

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