plot twist!!

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I gasped as the door slammed open. Who cou;d it be?? i turned to the door and saw japan standing in the doorway with a katana and a super scary look in his face! "I am here to get worrd-senpai back.' he said with his super kawaii accent. beside me, America laughed super loudly, so loud that i had to cover my ears and it hurt my head. he laughed at japan and moved to stand in fornt of meh. "THE HERO IS PROTECTING THE WORLD!" he shouted. i blushed becasue iu was super embarassed. Are they going to fight over me? why was everythone fighting over me?! suddenly, japan jumped towanrs America with hsi katanana pinted at his heat. i screamed with fear.

then, i felt a rush of bravery and power that i had never felt befoe. "NO~!" i shouted, my voice almost as loud as america. i jumped in front of ameirca a second ebfore Japan's sword could hurt him. i felt a sharp pain in my tummy. america and japan gasped but i didn't know why. all i felt was pain. it hurt so bad!! I looked down and saw the katananaa sticking ut of my stomach! blood ran down my legs and soaked into my bikini that i was still wearing. that was going to be such a pain to clean out!! (A/N Lime-senapi: thats the least of your problems lol. you got a bunch of yanderes seeing your blood owo)

"world-senpai!" japan shouted, though his voice was still quiet. "WORLD DUDETTE" america cried, his voice uepr loud like always. the blood kept on gushing and i felt my head get dizzy. a hand landed on my shoulder and japan looked into my (e/c) eyes with his dark ones. he was so close... i could see how handsome he was. "are you okay, (y/n)-senpai?" he asked, leaning in closer to my fzce. i blushed. he was so close! the dizzy feeling in my head got stronger but i still nodded. i couldn't let them think im weak! "yeah...I'm okay." i saidm givign him a small smile as i tilted my head to the side. japan's face got super red and he stepped back. i heard him mummble 'kawaii' but i must have heard him wrong.

suddenly, I was lifted off of the ground! America smiled biggly at me as he held me bridal style. "THE HERO WILL GET THE SWORD OUT OF (Y/N)." he shouted, running out of the room with me in his arms. though he kept laughing super volume, i had trouble keeping my eyes open. white spots covered my vision as i weakly looked at america. America gasped when he saw this, shaking me in his arms. "Don't fall asleep, dudeette! i'm going to save you!!" he cried, tears welling in his bright blue orbs. i felt guilt stab me like the sword in my stomach. i made him sad. im so un-kawaii. i felt tears roll down my cheeks "i'm sorry i can't be stronger" i said just as i was encassed in darknesss.


lime-senpai: ur so brave reader-chan! i could never do that ;-;

yui-chan: i could. especially fi it was for hot anime guys

lime-senpai: lol no, u still sleep with a nightlight-\

yui-chan: *hits lime senpai over the head and knocks her out* S-SHUT U-U-UP!

lime-senpai: *spirit raise from her body bc shes dead lol*

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