germany is scary!!

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The cute guy with the german flag on his shirt looked at me. My face got super warm as I blushed under his gaze. He was so cute!! "You must come vith me." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the hotel suite. I looked back at england but he was too busy fighting with ffrance again. "YOU BLOODY FROG!" he shouted, throwing my cup of tea at him. I giglged as france jumped on top of england, pulling his bushy eyebrows as they fought. they were so cute! especially when they were like that... NO! Stop the yaoi thoughts (y/n)! I turned back to look at the kawaii german as he lead me down the hallway. I wonder why he was in the hotel too. did he think I was pretty? I shook my head. of course he didnt! why would anyone think I'm pretty?!

"U-u-um...w-w-w-what is your name?" I asked, my voice shaking because I was super nervous. (A/N lime senpai: awwww, youb sound like canada!! so kawaii!! Yui: *pushs lime away* shut up! no talking during the story!!! lime senpai: oh! sorry yui-chan lol) What? where did those voices come from? I decided to ignore them because the cute german guy was looking at me again! I felt my breath go away as he led me into another hotel room. w-why were we going into his hotel room? especially with no one else there!! "e-e-excuse me, mr. kawaii guy, why are we in your room?" but the kawaii guy didnt seem to like me because he glared at me! he looks so mean! i took a step back and felt the door behind me. suddenly, he put his hands on the door beside my head and I squeaked cutely because i was surpirsed. "i am germany. you vill stay in zis rooom vile i go and yell at that dumpkofff italy." he said then left the room quickly. I ran to the door to open it but there was a padlock on the handle!!! I was locked in the hotel room!!

"oh my gosh, im locked in the hotel romo!" i started crying. sure, germany was helal hot and super kawaii but i needed to get out! come on 9y/n) get ahold of yourelf! yeah. i can do thsi! i felt determination surge through me as I started to yank on the door handle. suddenly, strength surged through me! i squeezed my eyes shut as i started to glow. the light was super bright. what was happeneing to me?! all of a sudden, the door flew open! the padlock fell tot he ground and I ran through the door. i didnt get far though since i ran into another person's chest! this time i didnt fall though. two arms wrapped around my waist causing me to blush as i looked up at another super kawaii guy. he had white hair and bright ruby blood red eyes.

"vell hallo frau, you ran into main super awesome chest." he said, ;eaning closer to my face with his face. oh my gosh! was he goiong to kiss me????


ehheheheh, got you on another cliff hanger

lime-senpai: nuu, author-chan pls update more!!

yui-chan: *hits lime senpair* you are the author, dummy!

lime-senpai: oh! *sweatdrop* youre right ha ha lol :3

yui-chan: *sigh* i just want more yandere guys

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