they're yandere?!

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I sat with the two kawaii italians on the beach with my kawaii bikini on. I don't know why I was wearing a bikini becasue I looked soooo fat!! The italian boys probably thought I looked fat. I used my arms to cover my tummy so the kawaii italians wouldnt be able to see. Italy saw me cover my tummy and narrowed his eyes. "Why are you covering your stomach?" he asked, voice a lot more dark than how he sounded before. Why did he sound so scary?! To my other side, Romano frowned, which wasnt surprising because he's always frowning. "You shouldnt cover your tummy when youre with us." he said. My face got super red as i blushed. they were making me blush so hard!!

"I dont want you guys to see my fat." i said, voice super quite because i was embarassed. Italy grabbed my arms and pulled them away from my tummy. "youre not fat. youre bella." he said, staring into my (e/c) eyes with his golden honey amber ones. His eyes were so handsome! i felt my face heat up as his face got closer and closer to mine. We were about to kiss!!! All of a sudden, Romano pulled me away from Italy. i blushed as his arms wrapped around my waist. I hear Romano growl, his hot breath hitting my ear. "don't touch her bastardo fratello." he said. His arms tightened on my waist as if he thought I would be taken away. Italy frowned, he looked super angry! "give her back, fratello." he said, voice really mean. Romano didn't let me go.

I gasped as Italy pulled out a knife! "She's mine!" he said, jumping on top of Romano. I gasped, jumping bcak so italy wouldnt stab me. instead, italy tried to stab romano! his own brother! Tears rolled down my face, ruining the makeup id used to try and make me look pretty even though i wasnt pretty. "stop fighting! please!" I shouted but they wouldn't listen. I turned and ran way from them both because I didn't want to see them fighting. they were both too handsome to fight especially over an ugly girl like me.

suddenly, i bumped into someone! I fell down with them on top of me. My face got really warm as i saw that the guy I bumped into was straddling me! Who is this guy? "U-uUm, s-s-s-sir..." i tried to talk but I was too embarassed. The guy stared down at me, his green eyes sooo kawaii.

"sorry, love, my name is..."


woah! cliff hanger!!

Who do you think it is??

lime senapi: i hope its Romania. he's sooooo hot- uh, i mean *////*

yui-chan: shut up, lime senpai! you're going to spoil it!

lime senpai- owo! sorry, please forgive me!!

follow and comment to see what happens next to reader-chan!!!!!!

Hetalia x reader yandere boysWhere stories live. Discover now