Jungkook opened the doors again, pursing his lips when Mark and Jackson jumped out and burst the party poppers in his face, "Surprise!" They yelled, jumping around.

Jungkook gasped loudly, putting a hand over his mouth and making his eyes wide, "You didn't have to. Aw. Thank you. I am SO surprised. I totally didn't see anything the first time. Wow thank you!"

"Happy birthday Jungkookie!" There was a sudden shout, startling Jungkook as the rest of the boys jumped out from under the table.

Jungkook looked at them with wide eyes as everyone came running up to him and attacked him with hugs. Hoseok and Mark started singing the birthday a song loudly as they climbed on the table.

Everyone started dancing. Jungkook stood there eyes big and Jimin rushed up to him, placing a large gold birthday crown on his head. Yoongi also rushed up to Jungkook and, somehow, wrapped him up in bubblewrap and then ran away.

"Oh my god." Jungkook squeaked out, surprised and hid his face behind his hands, "Thank you-"

"No. No wait!" Someone yelled.

Everyone turned around to see Jia carrying a lot of balloons in her hands as she rushed inside. Mika was at the doors, trying to carry three big ones with little balloons and confetti inside.

The balloon burst and Mika screamed and everyone cheered and started dancing again.

"Happy birthday!" Jia said as she hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook smiled brightly at her, hugging her back, "Thank you."

They led Jungkook to the table and Jungkook gasped, seeing a big cake with his picture on it and a lot of candles, "How did you get my face on it?" He asked, poking his own nose on the picture.

"Jin made it." Namjoon answered and handed Jungkook a knife. Jungkook cut the cake, slicing it and then taking it to Namjoon's mouth.

Namjoon ate it, pinching Jungkook's puffy cheeks and Jungkook smiled, feeding everyone the cake by turn. Then everyone starting chopping the heck out of the cake, trying to feed Jungkook first.

Myon took a bit of icing off the cake and put it on Jungkook's lips and then licked it off. Everyone grimaced and Yoongi took a handful of cake and shoved it in Myon's face.

Myon smeared the cake back in Yoongi's face.

Mika and Jia put some icing on Jungkook's cheeks. Jungkook put some on Jimin's cheeks and Jimin put some on Jia's nose. Then Jin took the whole cake and smashed it in Namjoon's face.

Mark took some cake off Namjoon and put it in Jackson's hair. Then Jin conjured a new cake out of nowhere and everyone turned to look at Jungkook with evil grins.

Jungkook screamed and ran out of the cafeteria at full speed, the whole crowd of wild icing covered humans after him.

Taehyung watched everything from the corner of the cafeteria and then simply bought himself a sandwich before heading out.

▪ ▪ ▪

Jungkook went home all tired.

He walked into his room and looked at himself in the mirror, seeing his shirt all stained with chocolate and his hair looking greasy. He scrunched his nose up and went up to his closet to pick out some fresh clothes.

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