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"WAKE UP SHITHEAD! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" Jungkook yelled at the top of his lungs as he pulled open his closet doors.

He started throwing all the clothes over his shoulder, looking for something to wear. He settled for a plain white shirt and black jeans and ran to the washroom.

"TAEHYUNG GET UP RIGHT NOW! WE HAVE TO GO." Jungkook yelled as he kicked off his trousers and pulled on his pants, zipping them up quickly. He pulled the shirt over his head, then picked up his toothbrush to brush his teeth.

"Are you up yet?" Jungkook called out. He poked his head out of the washroom door when he got no reply, the toothbrush hanging off one side of his mouth.

Taehyung was fast asleep.

Jungkook groaned and quickly got out of the washroom, climbing onto the bed then started to jump up and down, causing the whole bed to shake. He tried to shout at Taehyung but the toothpaste is his mouth and him jumping all over the place only caused muffled attempts to scream leave his mouth.

Taehyung woke up with a start as he felt the bed dip continuously and muffled screams of someone. He looked up to see Jungkook wildly jumping on the bed while brushing his teeth, a towel on his shoulder, and signaling him that they were going to be late.

"Ugh, okay you wild monkey. I am up. What time is it?" He replied stretching his arms over his head and picked up the phone off the bedside table, clicking it open to look at the time.

6:49 AM

"HOLY SHIT! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLY? FUCK WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Taehyung screamed, immediately throwing the covers off him and rushed to the washroom, locking the door behind him.

He pulled his sweats down to pee but jumped when Jungkook started to knock on the door, clearly not out of his wild phase.

"TAE OFEN THE DOR. I HAF TO SFIT THIS TOOFPASE OUT," Jungkook's words were barely understandable not because of the toothpaste but mostly because his fist colliding with the door ten times per second.

"JUST LET ME FUCKING PEE AND STOP KNOCKING." Taehyung yelled back, before quickly doing his business and opening the door. Jungkook quickly rushed in, rinsed his mouth and ran out.

Taehyung brushed his teeth as fast as you can possibly brush you teeth, ran a wet hand through his hair and followed Jungkook out, randomly grabbing one of his shirts and pulling it on.

6:54 AM

"WE JUST HAVE SIX MINUTES TO GET TO SCHOOL. NO BREAKFAST." Jungkook yelled as both of them thundered their way down the stairs. Jungkook ran up to his mother and quickly kissed her on her cheek, grabbing an apple and ran out of the house.

Taehyung too went up and hugged Jungkook's mother and grabbed a toast from the table and ran after Jungkook, getting in the car in a hurry so that Jungkook, who had his hand pressed against the horn, more like, stuck to the horn, would stop honking.

An extremely wild ride later both entered the school barely on time and made their way towards the class.

"We could have just skipped today," Jungkook panted as he flopped down on his seat. The teacher, thankfully, wasn't there yet.

STRAIGHT | VKOOKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora