Chapter 2 - My Best Friend Likes My Other Best Friend

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Kira was back home in her apartment, her mind on Jimin and his beautiful eyes. She had barely said a word to him, and she was already thinking about him.

Jungkook came back to Kira's apartment to make sure she didn't explode after the shoot. Kira had a tendency to do that, after something big in her life happened she would ramble on and on about how cool it was and how she was sad it was over.

And she had done just that, sitting on the couch right next to Jungkook.

"I just wish it didn't go as fast, because it probably won't happen again." Kira stated.

"What do you mean? Hitman Bang was really impressed by your work, you definitely have the job."

"You think so?"

"Of course Kira, who would not want your talent." Jungkook reassured her.

"I mean, I've only worked with a company for one thing, ever." Kira rolled her eyes, "I wasn't sure why and kept improving, and I thought I was getting better, but no one wanted me."

Jungkook groaned, "Why can't you accept the fact that BigHit wants you as a photographer."

"I've accepted it, sort of, but I don't see why."

"I can tell you why, because you're talented! All the members worked well with you, and Hitman Bang likes you too, tell me what you don't see," Jungkook was ready to lose it.

"Kookie, I get it, okay, BigHit might hire me, but I just didn't think something this big would happen."

"How could you not? Everyone was super impressed with you pictures, and they definitely have a reason to."

"Everyone?" Kira's eyes looked confused.

"Manager Sejin, Hitman Bang, me and the members, everyone."

"Well, thanks, I-I, I can't be that good."

Jungkook threw a pillow at Kira, "Oh my- do we seriously have to go over this again?"

"Sorry, sorry."

. . .

The night had passed, and it was the next morning. Kira was already up, she was getting ready to go to the park to take some pictures. The park was the picture place for the perfect picture. The trees surrounding a pond, blooming flowers, and the people that spend time at the park.

Kira was wearing dark blue jeans, with a light pink shirt tucked in, and a jean jacket tied in the front. She pulled her hair up into a bun. She put on a couple rings and a necklace Jungkook had gotten her for her birthday a couple years back.

The necklace had a lamb on it. Lamb was also Jungkook's nickname for Kira, because of a toy she had as a child.

She packed up her camera and down her apartment building stairs. Entering her car, Kira placed her camera bag in the passenger seat.

When she arrived at the park, she took a couple pictures. Capturing duck, flowers, bees, the dew on a leaf. This park was beautiful. She smiled at the world, in a place where she felt happy.

Suddenly, a finger tapped on Kira's shoulder she jumped and immediately looked at who is was.

Recognizing the face, she sighed.

"Jimin, you scared me!"

Jimin chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"No worries, I just wasn't expecting you here."

Kira looked at Jimin. He wore a black beanie, a gray sweater and black pants. It was like the man had dressed to die in the heat of the sun.

They had walked around the park a bit, talking, she convinced him to let her take a couple of pictures of him. Kira had smiled widely when he let her.

They felt joy around one another. A feeling that a person couldn't explain. It was something you had to feel.

After an hour of talking, they decided to part ways. While driving home, Kira couldn't help but smile. His happiness followed her.

They exchanged numbers, so when Kira got home, she was going to text him. He was the person to text first.

"Kira, we should do that again, hang out as friends and get to know each other."

Kira smiled.

"Yeah, we should, maybe next week?"

"Next week works!"

Kira definitely had a crush on Jimin. How could she not? He was amazing. He was sweet, hot, and a really good guy.

Kira got a call from Jungkook.

"Yes Kook?" Kira asked.

"What the hell lady. You were hanging out with Jimin and not me?!"

"Simmer down there, that was a coincidence, I don't tell who to be at the park!"

Jungkook could hear her smile through the phone.

"No, no, no, no, please tell me you don't like him."

"Um..." Kira remained silent.

"Yup, great. This is great. My best friend likes my other best friend."

"Oh please Jungkook, nothing will happen, Jimin and I will be just friends, and probably like that forever, I'm permanently stuck in the friend zone no matter who I like."

"Yeah, must suck, but just don't hurt him please. I don't want to have to pick sides."

"I won't."

"Alright, Lamb, I gotta go, talk to you later."

"Bye loser."

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