Song of the Lotus Flute (Chapter 6)

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Chapter 6 - Merging of Spirits

There was a boom from the stands beyond and Konohamaru looked back up.  The Hokage was gone and ninja were rushing toward the noise

“Hey, I wouldn’t get distracted right about now!” Kyo ordered.  Even if Konohamaru didn’t want to, he had no choice but to look at his opponent.  When he did it was with shock.

‘His eyes!’

“Ninpo-Demon Fox Fire Justsu!”  Red and orange fire shot from the great fox gaping jaws.

“Aaahhhh!” Konahomaru’s clones dispersed even before the flames came near him.  The energy was over powering as he hit the ground.  The fire passed over head-but it didn’t need to hit for him to feel the killer force.  Kyo spat the blood from his mouth.

“That was a warning shot.  You can give up now if you want.” Again Konohamaru was forced to look at his eyes.  They were glowing blood red-the eyes of a demon.  This wasn’t the thing that shook him though.


The boy shook his head, “This is your battle right now-your friend ain’t here to help you.  I suggest you forfeit if you want to live.”

This lit a burning fire inside Konohamaru’s chest, and he glared forgetting his previous thoughts.  “I never give up-that’s my ninja way!”

Kyo bowed his head then and again smirked showing sharp teeth.  “Huh, alright then chibi gaki-get ready!” and with that he launched his attack.  The fox ran forward but the boy didn’t bother letting it do the fighting.  He leapt with inhuman speed and agility just in front of the Konaha ninja bringing a red energized hand down on him with no chance of escape.

That’s when he heard the sound.

Kyo’s eyes tilted up and his fist missed, sending a shockwave through the earth.  Konohamaru kicked him in the jaw sending him spinning backward.  With a snarl he was on his hands and feet like an animal.

“I’ll let you take it from here kit.” The she fox he had summoned spoke and he nodded.  Kitsune were proud creatures and they understood the meaning of battle between to serious adversaries.  She disappeared in a flame of red chakra.  Kyo could feel the seal on his stomach burn and he growled.  The time of the ninja was over, now it was his job to show this brat his real power!  Just as he thought this the Kyuubi’s cloak engulfed him, growing three separate tails.

He felt the bandages burn off of his face and if he had been in the crowd, he would have seen the color in his hair dissipate to bright gold and rise threateningly.  The arena was filled with a new bloodlust.

“Oh cra-” Sasuke was pushing through people to get to the arena, the entire atmosphere was in panic.  The Demon Jinjuriki of Konaha was raising his ugly head.  No one wanted to relive what had happened only a half a year ago.


Kyo glared at the boy.  What was he saying-who was he talking to?  “Stupid boy-I’m going to rip you in half!” The sound-the music was back and it was ringing in his ears.  It was opening up a gate deep with in him, and Kyo could feel himself banging against the bars of his cage.

Konohamaru’s eyes burned.  What had happened to Naruto-Nii?  Why was he fighting him?  He knew Naruto lost control while under Kyuubi’s power-but that hadn’t happened for a long time-and this boy was glaring at him was a calculating intelligence.  It was as if he were staring at the demon fox himself.

Kyo roared, letting go of the chakra surrounding his body sending the boy backward.  The music was releasing him-he was free!

“Naruto!” there was a blur as a dark from passed in front of him and Sasuke was staring him down.  His sharingan was burning.  He lifted Konohamaru to his feet.  “Get out of here-inform the Hokage of-“

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