Professor Quirrel x Student Reader (Part 2) Lemon: "A Pint to Remember"

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I know, I know, I'm awful for disappearing for so long, I shall try not to let it happen again!

I just want to say another huge thank you to everyone again about the overwhelming support and requests for a part two. I tried to make this one entertaining and a bit on the longer side so I hope you agree, sorry if I'm a bit rusty.

I love you all! Enjoy!!!



Last name: l/n

First name: f/n

House: h/s

Style: St/l

Colour: C/l


The Great hall was packed to the brim with excited seventh years dressed in their best house robes, emotionally preparing to take on the wizarding world.

The graduation ceremony was an emotional event for everyone. Leaving Hogwarts seemed like one of the hardest things anyone could ever do. . .

"Aghh fuck," you hear Scarlett whisper as she wipes fresh tears from her eyes as Professor McGonagall gave her own equally teary speech.

On the other side of you was Pete, folding exceptionally poor origami out of his gum wrapper.

You smirk at both of them- saddened that you weren't going to see them every day- but somewhat excited that you were moving on in life, and you could finally start dating Professor Quirrell without having to hide it from everyone.

It was a new refreshing start.

Professor Dumbledore said some finale words and dismissed the graduating class, your fellow students cheering as they ran from the rest of the school left behind in the imposing hall.

"What are you wearing to the graduation ball f/n?" Scarlett asks, the skin around her eyes slightly red and puffy.

"Oh," you start, trying to find the right words ". . .I'm not going. . ."

You had been avoiding the subject, stupidly hoping, praying! No one would ask if you were going. You didn't want to go to the graduation ball if you couldn't go with Quirinus.

But you couldn't tell Scarlett and Pete that.

"What do you mean you're not going!?!?" Scarlett exclaims, obviously taken aback by your unpredicted news.

"Yeah what do you mean f/n? We were going to go all together. . ." Peter adds, sounding just as upset although slightly calmer about your news.

"I just. . . I don't have anything to wear, and I'm just not prepared at all. . ."

Scarlett and Peter were about to argue with you further but you interject before they get a chance.

"I'm sorry guys, please forgive me, I-I just. . . I have to go."

Your words trail off slightly as you spot Professor Quirrell exit the Great hall and almost immediately catch your eye.

You speed walk away from the entire scene, not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment. Not even Quirinus.

Anxiety and happiness had been boiling away inside of you for the past few months leading up to Grad, swapping with one another on frequent occasion.

Happiness because you could in fact be with the man you hopelessly loved, but anxiety because everyone would find out you had been sleeping with your soon to be ex-teacher.

Harry Potter Fanfiction: Student Reader x Teacher One-Shot LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now