Professor Hagrid x 'Short' Student Reader Semi-Lemon (Part 2/3): "Hero"

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NOTE: Yes, I am 100% aware that this story is not completely accurate to the canon of the Harry Potter franchise, just bear with me XD



Type: t/yp

First Name: f/n

Last Name: l/n

Colour: c/l


I'll figure it out tomorrow. . .

. . .

It was tomorrow,

And you still hadn't figured it out.

You and Luna were currently walking to Care of Magical Creatures, chatting about talking about nothing in particular.

Your head and heart were pounding though, nerves running crazily through your body, creating a weird tingling sensation in your fingertips.

"You alright f/n?" Luna asks, bringing you back into reality.

You shake your head to clear your thoughts and force a small smile onto your face.

"Yeah- chipper." You reply plainly.

She looks at you inquisitively, but shrugs her shoulders and keeps talking about whatever you were talking about.

The hut comes into view and your heart begins to pound a little harder, so much so that you were scared everyone would hear it.

You had no idea why you were so nervous to see the Professor, maybe because you couldn't get dirty thoughts of him out of your head (you just thought about it didn't you ;) Or at least now you will, hahaha, okay, back to the story.), or maybe because you were wondering if it actually was a good idea to give him the homemade cookies you baked as a thank you. Or perhaps- you were just being paranoid.

"Let's hope the later."

You and Luna find your place at the back of the crowd of fellow classmates, you making unintentional eye contact with the Professor, which you break immediately.

"Why f/n? why? It's not like you cuddled him whilst he carried you or anything like that. . ."

"Okay class, today I have a very exciting lesson planned, we are studying Kneazles, in particular, our beautiful specimen- Kai here," The Professor pauses, gesturing to the beautiful feline-like animal sitting beside him.

"These stunning feline-like creatures have a good talent for spotting 'shady' characters, as a bit of a fun shake-up from our regular lesson I want everyone to line up."

You're confused as to what the purpose of the exercise was, but you do as the Professor asks you, slightly cramming in together to create a long line of students. As soon as your all lined up the professor gives you a knowing look. . .

"Ah shit, is he doing what I think. . ."

The half-giant leans down to Kai the Kneazle and whispers a few words in his ear. The feline immediately rolls back its shoulders and begins to walk across the line, staring intently into the eyes of each of your fellow Care of Magical Creatures students. He stops and sits at the feet of Daphne Greengrass.

"Good boy Kai," he starts, giving the feline a piece of what looks like some kind of meat, "Detention miss Greengrass."

"W-What?" she starts, confused.

Harry Potter Fanfiction: Student Reader x Teacher One-Shot LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now