Chapter 15

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~Hayes Pov~

To tell you the truth, I'm believe Shea.

Not because we're together, I just feel that I can trust her as a person. She could be just someone out in the world and I would tell her all my secrets.

That's just the way she comes across, I love everything about her. Her smile, voice, body, face, eyes and her caring yet personality.

I love her.

And if I wanted to I could walk over to her house right now and forgive her.

But I wanted to make her wait, I wanted her to really take our relationship seriously.

I'm not trying to be mean, I just want her to feel like she needed me.

She has been phoning me every day, its been 4 days sense I saw her, I know the photo was old now.

But surprisingly she hasn't phoned or texted me today, and now I feel worried.

What if she moved on, what if she ended her life, what if she ran away?

"Nash?" I my voice quivered as I spoke.

"Ya has?" He opened my door and then leaned against the door frame.

"I'm ...I'm finally going to see Shea." I shifted in place and sighed.

"Finally admitting you can't live without her?" He lifted an eyebrow.

I scoffed "No, I'm just worried...fine, yes I do miss her."

"Then go get her back."  He laughed and walked back to wherever he was.

I looked outside, it wasn't that simple.

But I guess it was.

I walked down our steps, Shea's house is four streets down.

It was later at night and the chances of fans mobbing me was slim so I ran, ran all the was there.

But right before I reached the doorbell, I stopped.

What was I going to say, should I apologize?

I rang and her mother opened the door, then slammed it on my face. I knocked again and this time before she could close I stopped the Door with my foot.

"Please, just let me talk to to her." I begged

"You've done enough to this family." She hissed.

I walked passed her, this was my only chance left.

I walked all the way up there windy stairs and to her room. I knocked lightly

"Yes mom?" Her voice was sweet like honey.

The door opened "mom you could have just co....Hayes?" Her face went white.

"I'm sorry Shea." I looked her in eyes

"What do you mean." Her face sadden.

"I got angry, I let Media take over me, I left you when you needed me." Tears hit my eyes again and it took every bit of my guyniss not to burst out into tears.

"Its okay." She whispered. "Now's not a good time Hayes."

"Why?" I walked over and hugged her, just to feel her warm body again. "I'm so sorry."

"Shea who's there?" A male voice called out.

I looked into the room to see some guy.

"who are you?" I snarled.

"Her boyfriend."


If I Stay  { Hayes Grier }Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora