Voyage To Hollywood

Start from the beginning

" Why, so he can just say he sorry like everybody else?"

Curtis shook his head. " You're not the only one hurting Honey, other people are mourning too. I know you got more shit to be hurt about though but don't shut the people out that's just tryna help." he sighed while watching her basically disregard his presence. " Um you know, we been talking a lot about you – me and Robert, about opportunities for you."

" No." Delilah rolled her eyes then glanced at him over her shoulder. " I don't want an opportunity I had plenty of those ... I want something solid, something legit."

" And it will be, trust me. No matter what I'm still your uncle. " he walked next to her and pulled the cigar from behind his ear. " I got you."


Day after wretched day Michael spent in the studio whether his home studio or one of the many at Limelight Records. Nothing about this album made sense to him, it would be finished soon and he hated that. It was too rushed too soon – no artist no matter how good could make an album in so little time. At least a good one.

Despite his brothers putting in majority of the hours with him — the task itself was still weighing down on him.

He had no time to think of anything, the rambling in his head was becoming a hindrance to his sleep. Michael had been up since the night before stressed beyond his imagination.

Michael was running on pure adrenaline and his obsession with being the best with everything he touched.

Marlon came thumping down the steps. " Shit Michael come upstairs now Joseph is gonna kill Randy!"

The loud crash prompted them to sprint up the stairs at lightning speed, racing around the corners until they saw Tito and Jackie trying to hold Joseph back from Randy, who was cowering behind the living room's couch.

" You fucking idiot! You fool!" Joseph raged as Michael stood still and in confusion until Marlon gritted lowly through his teeth.

" Remember Randy told us that the baby wasn't his ... well, Keisha sent a DNA test with a letter attached to it ... she's suing."

Keisha left Man Killa's place and found a trick, Sane, to provide for her and her son for the time being until her scorn got the best of her. Randy introduced her to the drugs, he impregnated her, then he left and for that, she was going to make him pay.

Michael's heart dropped as Joseph broke out of their grip suddenly. " She's gonna drain us of everything we got! " he yanked Randy by the collar just as the front door opened and in came Janet and  Ms.Katherine.

" Oh my-" " Joseph! " they exclaimed throwing their purses down before darting their way.

Michael's eyes bulged as he found himself unable to react, watching Joseph choking Randy to the extent where Randy's eyes rolled white. It sent old memories in Michael's mind.

" You ruined every fucking thing! "

" Joseph stop — you stop this right now! " Katherine's voice screamed to a crack and almost immediately Joseph swung towards her, his fist connecting to her jaw causing everyone to shout.

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