
35 4 4

New schedule, new me, new chapter, let's go

With fuzzy vision and a headache, tord slowly came back to himself. He was being dragged by a few of what had once been his own soldiers into some underground prison, one that he himself did not recognize.

Tord looks around and only when he looks to his right does he realize that they had taken his arm, leaving only the robotic stump that acted like the join and socket.

Holding back a curse and wishing he could fight back against his captors, tord let's his head hang with a sigh. They continued to walk down the hallway before stopping at a door. They put in an ID number and the second the doors open screaming echos towards him.

"I swear to god when I get out you will regret everything you did!" Someone shouted, slamming something against whatever bars they were being held.

Mother fuckers!" The voice shouts again and tord tenses, recognizing the British accent that accompanied the voice.

"Dear jehovah! Of course the commie bastard is behind this!" Tom growled thrashing against the bars of the cell as the group comes into view. Tord tenses even more, his muscles protesting at it.

With an amused chuckle, the guards open the cell and throw tord in. Without waiting, Tom throws himself at the other male. Punches and kicks landing against both men.

The  fight continues for a bit longer before there's another chuckle and then a click followed by Tom tensing before throwing himself away, screaming as he's electrocuted.

Tom continues to wither on the ground as tord looks through the bars at Christopher, the man was grinning with amusement. With a second click the power turns off and Tom is left panting in the ground, eyes half lidded and wet with unshed tears. Against his own will, tord is surprised that that the Jehovah's Witness hadn't passed out.

"Don't think about hurting our little Guinea pig red, or else you'll be faced with something worse." Bingbong threatens before turning and walking away with most of the guards in tow. Looking around, tord spots Paul and pat in the other two cells. They were separate but facing each other, a strange form of torture to keep the two so close but still prevent them from so much as touching.

"Faen," he curses, hand curling into a fist as his eyes trail along the bars of the cell in search of a weak spot. Tom lets out a disgustingly wet burp followed by a loud pain filled groan before slowly pushing himself up on shaking arms

"Long time no see, huh old friend?" Tord teases as he watches the dark eyes man push himself up against a wall.

"I'm not your friend you bastard. If I could I would kill you right now"

A Scoff, "as if you could jehova."

"Fuck you, I'm one of the top assassins in the rebellion. I know multiple types of hand to hand combat. I know exactly where and how hard to hit a person to leave them paralyzed from the waist down," He continued, his eyes seeming to darken as he continues to speak, "I know precisely where to stab a full grown man to sever his liver and cause him to die in agony as he's poisoned by his own intestinal fluids. I know the temperature at which the blood in a humans system would begin to freeze if left out in freezing temperatures and how long your brain could continue to function if I were to cut off your oxygen supply by applying pressure to a specific spot along your neck.

"So please tord, fight me and I'll finally end this war by killing you" slowly his snarls had started to quiet and it allowed them to hear a beep that caused Tom to cower away.

"Thank you Tom for giving me all that vital information! Next time I will have to pick you Brian for more interesting facts." Christophers voice purred through the intercom attached to the wall.

Tord doesn't reply, to shocked by what he had learn and by the fact that Tom had backed off so easily at the voice of the idiotic scientist. he had rarely ever seen tom back off in such a manner before, the only times that had ever come close was when Edd or Matt were to stop him from attacking tord.

The fact that someone else could make him back down so easily did not sit well with tord.

"How long have you been here?" The man questions, deciding to change the topic.


"4 what? Days? Week?"

"4 months." He sighs, curling up slightly and running his hand through his spiky messed up hair.

4 months, 4 fucking months. His enemy and one of the rebellions leaders had been weakened without tom for four months and he hadn't been told? No had noticed!?

They sit in silence for a bit more after that revelation, the only sound coming from the soft noises of the other two men who were still fast asleep. Then the lights turn off and tom turns away, moving onto the blankets that would make up their beds for as long as hey stay in their new prison.

"Good night old friend." Tord laughs, finding a slight amusement about their predicament.

"Fuck off commie." Tom sighs with little bite and then silence reigns over them once more.

Red and blue make purpleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें