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The red army had grown exponentially within the few years since they truly made themselves know, a year after the robot incident that left their leader crippled.

After that they continued to grow and their expansion had made it to multiple different countries before it started to slow. Now the red leader was in his office, signing document after document. Paul and pat were somewhere in the building doing something, either training new recruits or also looking over documents, the less important ones at least.

He was just adding the final touches to a document when there was a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" Tord growled, everyone knew not to bother him unless he called for them.

"It's Paul."

"What do you want?" Tord ground out, rubbing at his face as the door opens.

"You called for me, what did you want?" The man questions, raising one of his bushy eyebrows at his leader once he closed the door.

"I did not call for anyone-" Tord was interrupted when there was a second knock at his door, followed by a voice calling out, "red leader?"

"What now?" Tord growls as Paul opens the door for the other man.

"You called for me?" Pat explains, sharing a look with Paul.

"I called for nobody!" Tord snarls, slamming his robotic fist against his desk and leaving an indent in the wood.

"Calm Down tord, It was probably a miscommunication. There is no need to get angry-" the conversation stops when door to tords office gets thrown open, two of his own soldiers storm in with their weapons drawn and pointing at the three men.

"What is this nonsense? Soldiers lower your weapons this instant!" Paul shouts, turning to stand in front of pat. Tord reaches for the gun he always keeps hidden there and holds back a curse when his hand hits nothing but air.

Tords main scientist, Christopher bingbong, steps inside the office followed by his lackey. The last name was comical, everyone who heard it would laugh or snicker up until the very man stepped into the room. The man was a genius but he was also extremely stupid. He had been able to make hundreds of clones to try and make a movie that solely tord and three other liked more money instead of trying to make better movies.

The cloning wasn't the only thing the man knew how to do, DNA splicing and genetic engineering was his best skill. He was the reason that three different soldiers had been changed into monsters, each attempt had ended in a catastrophic failure. At least that was how tord viewed it.

Christopher thought of them as successes, like three lives weren't lost for a monster who's own weight was its downfall.

"Red leader!" He exclaims and tord narrows his eyes, robotic hand clenching into a fist.  Christopher simply smirks, eyes trailing along the red appendage.

"Fire." He states and before either of the three men can react a bullet is embedded into the mechanical plating of tords arm, causing it to go offline when the bullet lets out a electric shock.

"What are you doing?!" Tord snarls at his men, his soldiers, which had turned on him, "I'm your leader! This is treason and I will have you all executed!"

No one even flinches at the threat or the venom dripping from the words and tord lets out a growl.

"This little show is pathetic, really, your army is no longer yours. Men," He snaps his fingers then and all of the soldiers stand up straighter, "collect the prisoners and blow the place."

Paul lunges at the mad scientist but a quick dart to the neck causes him to stumble when he lands. Pat is instantly at his side, Letting out a grunt as another dart lodges in his neck as well. Tord glares at the back of Christopher's head, his most powerful weapon disabled and his gun gone, and first struggle when the men close in. One of them he can tell is grinning under their mask when the dart is roughly shoved into his neck.

"You will pay for this." Managed before the drug starts to take affect, numbing his mind and blurring his vision. Just as he was falling unconscious, tord knew he heard the laughter of one smug asshole.

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