Marry Me.

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My head lifts off the pillow, allowing me to examine my surroundings. Negan and Daryl are both asleep in chairs on opposite sides of the room. The morning sun casts a shadow on each of their faces, almost hiding the worry on their faces.

" Negan?"

My husband's eyes snap open, revealing his red pupils. His large frame lifts from his perch, as he quickly rushes to my side.

" Jax, I am so glad you're okay. You had a panic attack. Carson says you should be fine. The baby is okay too, but we have to minimize your stress. The baby can't handle it."

" What do I do?" my hoarse voice whispers out.

" Daryl has agreed he will never try to take you, in exchange for you both seeing your daughters grave. "

Tears blind my vision, as the idea of seeing her grave cements in my mind. Negan grips my hand as the tears flow down my face. His gentle eyes display love and care. Something I never thought I would see when I first met him.

" I don't know if it's safe anymore to go there. Especially with the snow, and it was full of walkers. Also, Carson did say for me not to be stressed. Maybe after the baby is born we can go-"

" No! I want to see her grave now." Daryl shouts, jolting me in my bed.

I crane my neck up, making my watery eyes meet his fiery ones. The flash of pain on his face, informs me of how hard this is on him. He has lost his child and his wife. I know this must be hell for him.

Still, one thing lingers on my mind. Why now? After all this time he chooses now to visit an old wound. I don't understand why seeing her grave would help us?

" Why do you want to see her? Is it because you think I will change my mind about Negan? That I will see her little cross and rekindle the love I have for you?"

Daryl's hands clench at his sides as a low growl erupts from his chest. He turns his body around, not wishing to show me his face.

"I will admit I hope for that, but seeing you both together just now shatters that dream. Now, all I need is to see my daughter in order to move on. We had to leave so quickly after we buried her, and that has haunted me. You both have left me, and I need some sort of closure."

" I think you should go, Daryl. I have let her go and I have moved on. Seeing her grave will only make me revisit something I have buried. I have a baby alive I need to be a mother for.

Our daughter has not needed us for a while. She is happy and safe. I take great comfort in that. So you go and make your peace with it. Maybe it will help you see you have a family that needs you too."

His body instantly stiffens, as he turns to face me. Streaks of white trail down his face, as tears, fall freely.

" I don't have a family. This asshole took my family! I need you Jax, and you chose him over me. The man who killed our friends, and put me in a damn cage. I don't know what you see in him," he seethes.

Negan shakes his head, then cranes his head up to see Daryl. My former husband's body shakes with anger, as his gaze meets Negans.

" I know you like to think I messed up your life. Yes, I took her, but you both had given up on each other before I came along."

" That's not true-"

" Let me finish. You both didn't live in the same house, and I pretty damn sure there wasn't any sex. So, I think you have been holding onto something that's been dead for a long time. Trust me when I say this when you hold on to something dead, soon you become dead yourself."

Forced to love you Cover Done By @Natasha Palma Negan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now